- How can you play fast and loose with a girl's affections? 你怎么可以玩弄一个姑娘的感情呢?
- Don't begin by trying to play fast and loose with me. 别想跟我耍花腔吧。
- John played fast and loose with the girl's affections. 约翰玩弄那姑娘的感情。
- That man played fast and loose with the young girl's affections. 那个男人玩弄了这个年轻姑娘的感情。
- Jane always played fast and loose with bet boy friend's feeling. 简总是我行我素,不顾及她男朋友的感情。
- He played fast and loose with the company's good name. 他做事不顾公司名声。
- She played fast and loose with the company's good name. 她总是拿公司的好名声当儿戏。
- Everyone can see you are playing fast and loose with that man. 你每个人都可以看出来,你没有把那个人放在心上。
- That guy has a bad reputation of play fast and loose with the girls around him. 那家伙名声很坏,对待他周围的女孩们朝三暮四。
- I'm afraid he's always been playing fast and loose with his paycheck. 我担心他拿到工资后,总是随便乱花。
- The broker played fast and loose with our money.Now we are nearly broken. 股票经纪人胡乱挥霍我们的钱。现在我们几乎破产了。
- Stop playing fast and loose with that girl's feelings ;can't you see you're upsetting her? 别玩弄那姑娘的感情--难道没看到你已经把她弄得心烦意乱了吗?
- Stop playing fast and loose with that girl's feelings can't you see you're upsetting her? 别玩弄那姑娘的感情--难道没看到你已经把她弄得心烦意乱了吗?
- A bit more efficient than the router, the router switch plays fast and loose with IP packets deftly routing them along their way. 比路由器的效率高一些,交换机轻松高速的处理IP数据包,熟练的将它们按照其原来的路径路由出去。如果你想的话,你可以把它成为弹球高手。
- He had been allowed to play fast and loose long enough. 大家容忍他反复无常地玩弄手腕够久啦。
- The Lakers began playing fast and loose with the ball, with Radmanovic, Fisher, Odom and Walton being the primary miscreants. Each of their TOs proved costly. 湖人开始打快,控球开始不稳,拉德、费舍尔、奥多姆和沃顿是最多的犯错误的。他们在肆意挥霍着自己的失误次数。
- Gary played fast and loose with his brother's high office, raking in bribes from people who wanted favors from the government. It's a good thing the FBI finally caught him! 加里利用他哥哥高级官员的地位,从那些想要政府给他们好处的人那里搜刮钱财。最后他被联邦调查局抓住。这倒还真是不错。
- Mike is playing fast and loose by going out with Jane because it is really Pamela he likes most. 麦克与简在一起其实是玩弄简,因为他真正爱的是帕梅拉。
- That man played at fast and loose with the young girl's affections. 那个男人玩弄了这个年轻姑娘的感情。
- played fast and loose with the facts. 待事轻率