- The rift valley is a classic example of a divergent plate boundary. 裂谷是一个典型的例子一个不同的板块边界。
- The site of this destruction is another kind of plate boundary: a subduction zone. 销毁旧岩石圈的地方形成另外一种板块边界:一块潜没的区域。
- They occur in composite intrusions in and near deep fractures at plate boundary. 外生稀土矿床中最重要的是海滨砂矿。
- Pengxian copper deposit and the Masongling Formation acting as host formation are products of island arc volcanism in convergent plate boundary. 证据表明,马松岭组及其所赋存的铜矿床均为会聚性板块边界古火山岛弧的产物。
- A third possibilty is that IVC colapsed primarily due to natural reasons (climate change, tectonic activity along the subduction zone along the Indo-Asian plate boundary) and that there was no Indo-Aryan invasion that took place. 印度河流域文明衰落的第三个可能是由于自然因素(气候改变,伴随着印度雅利安人进入的可建造区域减少),并没有印度雅利安人入侵的发生。
- At the middle scale is the plate boundary level, where the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) will image and characterize the slow deformation of the earth along the western U.S. and Alaska. 中级尺度是板块交界,在此,板块交界观测站(PBO)将沿着美国西部与阿拉斯加,拍摄并描绘出地球缓慢变形下的特性。
- The inversion confirms that plate boundary actions are main factors controlling the regional stress field, and spreading forces of mountains and seashores are another important factor. 同时显示了板块在垂直载荷下的弯曲对局部水平应力场造成相当的影响。
- Both kinds of plate boundary are associated with fault systems, earthquakes and volcanism, but the kinds of geologic activity observed at the two boundaries are quite different. 两种板块边界均与地层系统、地震以及火山活动有关,但在两种边界处观察到的诸般地质活动却迥然不同。
- Plate boundaries are often rich in earthquakes and volcanic activity. 板块边界往往出现在在地震和火山过程中。
- noncollision plate boundary system 非碰撞板块边界系统
- accreting convergent plate boundary 增生聚敛板块边界
- The action of plumes not being confined to plate boundaries is basic to the theory of plate tectonics. 地幔羽的活动并不局限于板块边界,是板块构造理论的基础。
- Certain parts of the plate boundaries along subduction zones appear to be aseismic. 沿消减带的某些板块边界似乎长期无震。
- The rifts therefore represent divergent plate boundaries where seafloor spreading is taking place. 这样,大洋中脊就成为板块分离边界,海底扩张就发生在这里。
- Massive earthquakes tend to occur along other plate boundaries, too, such as along the Himalayan Mountains. 大规模的地震也倾向于沿着其它板块边缘爆发,例如沿着喜马拉雅山脉。
- The lane is the boundary of our land. 那条小路就是我们这片地的界线。
- Plate tectonics as a unifying theory of the earth mainly is connected with deformation, seismicity and volcanism within plate boundaries. 作为固体地球统一理论的板块构造主要涉及刚性板快边界之间的变形、地震活动和火山作用。
- The plate tectonic theory reveals the seafloor spreading and plate lateral movement, and illustrates magmatism related to plate boundaries. 摘要板块构造学说揭示了海底扩张和板块的水平运动现象,阐明了与板块边界相联系的岩浆活动。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。