- The plastic constitutive model which involves DP yielding principle and relevant flowing principle was selected for high pressure conduction medium pyrophyllite. 文章为高压传压介质叶蜡石选择了一个塑性本构模型,它包括DP屈服准则和相关联的流动准则。
- plastic constitutive model 塑性本构模型
- Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elasto-plastic constitutive model for describing the dynamic behavior of the saturated sands is developed. 利用土体的塑性流动理论,提出了用于描述饱和砂土动力反应性质的弹塑性本构模型。
- KEY WORDS Anisotropic, Constitutive model, Viscoplastic, Turbine blade. 关键词:正交异性,本构模型,粘塑性,涡轮叶片
- Bup, up to now there is no constitutive model whichcould fully describe the characteristics of soils. 但是,至今仍然没有出现能全面描述土各种特性的本构模型。
- Referring the isotropic dissipation function presented by Collins, an isotropic constitutive model is established. 以Collins提出的各向同性模型(isotropic model)耗散函数为出发点,建立了各向同性本构模型。
- Secondly, the three nodes contact element obeying the elastic Coulomb friction constitutive model is presented. 并介绍了服从弹性库仑摩擦本构模型的三结点接触单元。
- The crystallographic constitutive models for the plastic and the creep behaviors and the method of the rupture life prediction were established and verified. 包括:建立并验证了弹塑性、蠕变滑移本构模型及蠕变持久寿命预测方法;
- This result is useful to establish constitutive model for the cyclic deformation of the material. 研究结果为后续循环本构模型的建立提供了实验基础。
- Study on a plastic constitutive damage model for concrete 混凝土损伤塑性本构模型研究
- A new non-linear constitutive model for normal consolidation soil under static loading condition is presented. 提出了一种新的、适用于正常固结土在静荷作用下的应力矢量型非线性本构模型。
- The author has proposed the constitutive model of recovery force of SMA under complete restrained condition. 并介绍了作者提出的计算完全约束下回复力的本构模型;
- The isolated big void behavior in the tension PM specimen has been ana lyzed by Gurson constitutive model. 讨论了不同位置和不同形状的微空洞对空穴形核、长大及材料的破坏机理的影响。
- A constitutive model test on glass fiber reinforced polymer(GFRP) tube confined concrete was carried out. 进行了玻璃纤维增强塑料(GFRP)管约束混凝土本构模型试验。
- The development of the study on soil's anisotropy during different decades of soil's constitutive model is summarized. 综合论述了土体各向异性在土体本构理论发展的不同阶段的研究进展;
- dynamic plastic constitutive parameter 塑性本构参量
- dynamic plastic constitutive relationship 塑性本构模型
- The constitutive model is established based on the thermodynamics of internal variables and the theory of absolute reaction rate. 基于内变量热力学和绝对反应速率理论建立率相关单晶本构方程。
- By introducing rigid plastic constitution relationship, the numerical manifold method (NMM)analyzing system for simulating the metal forming process is put forward. 通过引进刚塑性本构关系,建立了金属成形过程的数值流形方法的分析体系,并研究了金属成形过程模拟中的网格重分问题。
- The governing equations are discredited by using Galerkin method, and the matrix for elastoplastic constitutive model is also deduced. 采用加权残值法对耦合方程组进行有限元离散,并推导相应的弹塑性矩阵。