- Development and Application of Plastic Beer Bottle 塑料啤酒瓶的开发与应用
- Many Ways of Producting Pressing for Plastic Beer Bottle 塑料啤酒瓶生产的多种方法
- Present Developing Situation of Manufacturing Technology for Plastic Beer Bottle 塑料啤酒瓶制造技术发展现状
- plastic beer bottle 塑料啤酒瓶
- Get an old beer bottle or soft drink bottle. 找一个旧啤酒瓶或饮料瓶。
- Nicky held a beer bottle out of the rear window. 尼基从后窗来,拿着一个啤酒瓶。
- He got drunk and broke a beer bottle and got into as fight. 他喝醉了,砸破一个啤酒瓶,跟人打起架来。
- Nip someone's thin neck, like nipping a beer bottle. 像捏着啤酒瓶那样,扼住谁的细脖颈。
- The waitress crushes and injures with the beer bottle Zhang. 女服务员用啤酒瓶将张某砸伤。
- Somebody threw a beer bottle against my window last night. 昨晚有人朝我的窗户上扔了一只啤酒瓶。
- B) Flash key chain/ Beer Bottle Opener: use as gift, promote sales, largess, toy, etc. 单色闪光灯,有三档模式,带装饰性、能性的钥匙扣,可以做啤酒开瓶器(轻轻的开,不然会断)用。
- After a minute, the guy grabs a beer bottle and bangs the gator on the top of its head. 过了一分钟,这个男的抓起一个酒瓶朝鳄鱼的头砸去。
- The mineral water bottle that a few give out only and beer bottle are put on goods caboodle. 货物堆上放有几只用完的矿泉水瓶及啤酒瓶。
- His room was a jumble of clothes,newspapers and beer bottles. 他房间乱七八糟地堆放著衣服、报纸和啤酒瓶。
- Don't throw plastic bags, empty beer bottles, banana peels, and waste paper into the same dustbin/trash can/garbage can. 不要把塑料袋、空啤酒瓶、香蕉皮,以及废纸丢到同一个垃圾桶里。
- His room was a jumble of clothes, newspapers and beer bottles. 他房间乱七八糟地堆放着衣服、纸和啤酒瓶。
- And it’s no problem for advertisers to magic up 3-D footage of, say, a beer bottle that spookily seems to float towards you. 比如说,一个广告商很容易就能制作一个看起来正在向你浮动的啤酒皮。
- Their products include tobacco inner liners, labels including beer bottle labels and other speciality metallized products. 其产品包括烟草内衬垫,标签,包括啤酒瓶标签和其他专业金属产品。
- During, bakes vendor Sun and its friend Chen Mou holds the beer bottle, the camp stool, the pointed knife 4 person of varying degrees will crush and injure, injure. 其间,烧烤摊主孙某和其朋友陈某持啤酒瓶、马扎、尖刀将其中4人不同程度砸伤、扎伤。
- Huang Bin is in an uncontrollable rage, recommends the beer bottle to pat in that human brain gate, encloses three people immediately, has not won them. 黄斌怒不可遏,举起啤酒瓶拍在那人脑门上,立即围上三人,“没打赢他们。”