- Akamu was hired to correct the problem in the plaster model. 梅杰家族雇用她来修正那个模型中的错误。
- Orthotics are usually custom-made using a plaster model of your foot. 矫正鞋垫通常用石膏模型量足定做。
- Practice taking impression for plaster models two pairs,? 练习取印模、灌石膏模型二付,装石膏托。
- A bridge made in the dental laboratory on plaster models. 技工室在石膏模型上制作假牙。
- The feasibility analysis of four electroforming carriers are compared after reproducing the epoxy resin model,the silica gel model,attracts model and plaster model which based on the LOM prototype. 以LOM原型为基础,分别翻制出环氧树脂模型、硅橡胶模型、树脂片材模型和石膏模型,并对它们的电铸载体进行可行性分析比较,在不影响电铸质量的前提下,根据不同结构特征选择合适的电铸载体。
- His broken leg was encased in plaster. 他折的腿打上了石膏。
- The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已经开始从墙上脱落。
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- Put a plaster on the sore once a day. 把这膏药每日一次敷贴患处。
- They tried to plaster over the differences. 他们试图掩盖分歧。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- She has been held up as a model worker. 她被推举为模范工作者。
- He showed us a model of the new office building. 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。
- He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。
- John is repairing his model plane at his leisure. 约翰不慌不忙地修理着他的航模。
- The old sailor chipped out a tiny model boat. 那名老水手一点儿一点儿地削出一个小船模型。
- Bits of plaster rained down on our heads from the ceiling. 石灰屑像雨点似地从天花板上落到我们的头上。
- The luxury model gives a smoother ride. 坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。
- The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast. 医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。
- That beautiful girl is a fashion model. 那位漂亮的女孩是一位时装模特儿。