- I tried plastering a wall yesterday and made a total mess of it; now I'll have to call in an expert, which just proves that it is very man to his trade. 昨天我试着泥墙,但搞得一塌糊涂,现在我得去请个行家来干,这正说明各人各有的特长。
- plaster a wall; daub plaster on a wall 抹墙
- The paint [plaster] is scaleling off a wall. 墙上的油漆[灰泥]在脱落。
- A balcony is a platform with a wall. 阳台是有墙的平台。
- plaster a wall with posters = plaster posters on a wall 贴海报于墙上
- The old town on the hill had a wall right round it. 小山上的古城四周有城墙。
- I tried plastering a wall yesterday and made a total mess of it; now I'll have to call in an expert,which just proves that it is very man to his trade. 昨天我试着泥墙,但搞得一塌糊涂,现在我得去请个行家来干,这正说明各人各有的特长。
- A wall divides our garden from theirs. 一道墙把我们的花园和他们的隔开。
- He crashed his car (into a wall). 他把汽车撞(到墙上)了。
- A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. 墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组连续的石块
- The portion of a wall between windows. 窗间墙窗和窗之间的墙体
- I tore my coat on a nail that was sticking out from a wall. 我的上衣被一枚从墙上突出来的钉子钩破了。
- The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence. 调查人员碰了壁,谁也不回答他们的问题。
- The bullet hit a wall and was deflected from its course. 子弹击中墙壁而改变了方向。
- The brake fail and the car come to a stop against a wall. 刹车装置失灵了,车撞到墙上才停下来。
- A long upholstered bench placed against or built into a wall. 软长椅靠墙放置或安在墙上的软型长凳
- A brick laid across rather than parallel with a wall. 露头砖垂直而不是平行于墙根放置的砖块
- You hang clothes on a peg fixed to a wall or door. 你把衣服挂在固定在墙上或门上的挂衣钩上。
- A fresco is a painting made directly in the wet plaster of a wall. 这幅壁画是用湿石膏直接绘制在未干的灰泥墙上的。
- The house was out of sight behind a wall. 房子被墙遮住看不见了。