- plasma protein pathology 血浆蛋白病理学
- A plasma protein that is converted into thrombin during blood clotting. 凝血原酶一种血浆蛋白质,在血液凝聚时转化成凝血酵素
- OBJECTIVE To study the plasma protein binding rate of harmine hydrochloride. 目的:测定盐酸去氢骆驼蓬碱的血浆蛋白结合率。
- The albumin fraction of plasma protein is of the greatest significance. 血浆蛋白的白蛋白部分意义最大。
- Thrombin is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to the insoluble protein fibrin. 凝血酶能催化可溶性血浆纤维蛋白转化为不溶性的纤维蛋白。
- Blood derived plasma protein solutions, such as: Human Serum Albumin, IgG, Clotting factors, etc. 来自血液的血浆蛋白溶液,如:人血清白蛋白,免疫球蛋白,凝结因子,等。
- The extent of drug distribution into tissues depends on the extent of plasma protein and tissue binding. 药物分布进入组织的程度取决于与血浆蛋白和组织的结合程度。
- Constituting 60% of total plasma protein, and with low molecular weight, albumin contributes about 80% of the colloid osmotic pressure. 因其占血清总蛋白质的60%25和低分子量的特性,白蛋白司职约80%25的胶体渗透压。
- For patients at the late period of cirrhosis, it effectively increases the plasma protein and holds in seroperitoneum. 对于肝硬化后期的人,能有效地提高血浆蛋白,控制腹腔积水。
- Plasma protein C concentrations and parameters of organ dysfunction were measured daily until discharge or death. 每日检测血浆蛋白C浓度及器官功能异常的各项指标,直至治疗终止或死亡。
- The neonatal Apgar score, intrauterine growth retardation ,7 d survival rate,and maternal plasma protein of the 2 groups were analyzed. 观察 2组新生儿出生时的Apgar评分、胎儿宫内发育迟缓、7d内新生儿存活与血浆蛋白情况。
- The effect of indicated hydrolyzed blood-cell protein and denatured plasma protein in the diet of broilers was studied in our experiment. 摘要研究了在早期断奶仔猪日粮中添加盐酸水解羊血球蛋白粉和酸变性血浆蛋白粉的效果。
- Objective: Haptoglobin (Hp) is a plasma protein that binds free hemoglobin, thereby inhibiting hemoglobin-induced oxidative damage. 目的:触珠蛋白是一种能与游离的血红蛋白结合的血浆蛋白,因而抑制血红蛋白诱导的氧化破坏。
- Conclusion The endoneurial capillaries in DRG may become a barrier, especially be able to limit the plasma protein extravasation. (2)涎酸葡萄糖轭合物为DRG血管内皮细胞阴离子微区分子的主要成分。
- While somatostatin reduced levels of plasma protein, hydroxyproline and fibroblast, and granulation tissue hydroxyproline. 而生长抑素则可降低血浆蛋白、羟脯氨酸浓度和肉芽组织中羟脯氨酸和纤维母细胞水平。
- Objective To Investigate the evalue of determination of the serum marker pregnancy associated plasma protein(PAPP-A)for screening pregnancy. 目的:探讨妊娠相关血清蛋白A(PAPP-A)作为血清标记物在产前筛查中的应用价值。
- The binding rate of (superscript 99m)Tc-ON with plasma protein was measured by the trichloroacetic acid precipitation method. 用三氯乙酸沉淀法测定(上标 99m)Tc-ON的血浆蛋白结合率。
- Swine plasma protein (SPP) prepared by means of salting out had been subjected to amino acid analysis and rat growing test according to AOAC for biological evaluation. 分析了盐析法直接提取的猪血浆蛋白质氨基酸组成,按AOAC大鼠生长试验法评价猪血浆蛋白的营养价值。
- The objective of this study was to determine reference intervals for plasma protein fractions of normal appearing, wild Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta. 这是一篇研究赤蠵龟血液化学的文章,目的在于定量出亚特兰大地区,野生赤蠵龟身上各种血液蛋白的正常参考值。
- Plasma protein binding: Drugs are tra orted in the bloodstream partly in solution as free (u ound) drug and partly bound to blood components (eg, plasma protei , blood cells). 血浆蛋白结合 药物在血流中转运时,一部分是以游离药溶解于血液中(非结合型),另一部分则与血液成分(如血浆蛋白、血细胞)相结合。