- plantar flexion of foot 足跖屈
- Seated calf rise involve the plantar flexion of ankle joint which require the contraction of posteriORleg muscles (soleus) . 坐式提踵时,小腿后侧的肌肉(比目鱼肌)收缩产生跖屈的动作。
- Seated calf rise involve the plantar flexion of ankle joint which require the contraction of posteriORleg muscles (soleus). 坐式提踵时,小腿后侧的肌肉(比目鱼肌)收缩产生跖屈的动作。
- He is as swift of foot as a hare. 他跑得像兔子一样快。
- Have complimented me on my lightness of foot. 步履的轻盈。
- Less peak plantar flexion angle and less peak dorsiflexion angle of ankle joint during stance phase(P<0.05). 踝关节支撑期最大跖屈角度和最大背屈角度较小(P<0.;05),重病组与其他两组的差异较大(P<0
- A regiment of foot are descending the hill. 一团的步兵正走下山丘
- He has lost 2 points because of foot fault. 他脚下违例失去了2分。
- The VMO:VL IEMG ratio observed in the position of ankle plantar flexion was significantly greater than that in the relaxed resting position. 蹠屈摆位可能减少股外肌的肌电活动,但不会改变股内斜肌的肌电活动。
- The soldier was very light of foot. 这士兵步伐轻快。
- Then, have the patient walk on his toes to test the strength of plantar flexion, and on his heels to test dorsal flexion at the ankles. 然后;让病人用脚尖走路测试脚板的柔韧性;以及用脚跟走路测试脚踝背部的柔韧性.
- Opportunity is everywhere, but it is fleet of foot. 机遇四处都有,但它转瞬即逝。
- Alternate dorsiflexion and plantar flexion while instructing client to feel calf muscles tighten and relax. Repeat five times. 交替屈、伸足部,指导病人体会小腿肌肉紧张和放松的感觉,重复五次。
- Objective To explore the effect of the collateral ligaments and the plantar plate on the flexion of the metatarsophalangeal(MP) joints. 目的探讨侧副韧带、跖板对跖趾关节屈曲功能的影响。
- Force was applied to each of the anterior AFOs at the anterior-middle and anterior-lateral sides to simulate the movement of ankle plantar flexion and inversion. 研究方法乃分别在两种前穿式足踝装具的前端中央及侧方施力来模拟踝关节跑屈与内翻的施力动作,同时记录施力与踝关节角度变形量之间的关系。
- Massaging vola, it can improve blood circulation of foot waist. 按摩足底部,能增进足部及腰部的血液循环,消除疲劳。
- I heard the scurry of feet in the hall. 我听到大厅里仓皇奔跑的脚步声。
- The results showed that patients with hemiplegia in early stage may be trained to stand up with KAFO. Patients who walked independently with inversion and plantar flexion in ankle joints, might be improved in walking ability and gait with AFO. 结果表明,偏瘫患者发病早期可使用KAFO进行站立练习,对存在尖足、内翻足的患者使用AFO可改善步行能力。
- Some birds fly thousands of feet aloft. 有些鸟儿在数千尺的高处飞翔。
- The bottoms of feet are ticklish. 脚掌怕痒。