- Does the plant cause pollution (e.g. odour or noise) affecting neighbours? 工厂是否引起了影响邻居的污染(例如气味、噪音)?
- The first layer, the first layer is composed by ceramisite, which could overcome the pollution of winded up sand soil in surface of plant caused by whirlwind. 其实现在屋顶绿化专用的土壤也出现了很多种,比如:腐殖土加入陶粒、火山岩土壤等等。
- It will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and oceans. 这会引起污染,破坏我们的海洋和江河。
- The mutations in plants caused by radiation have been found in experiments. 放射线引起植物变异已在实验中被证实。
- Monorail does not cause pollution. 单轨列车不再造成污染。
- All the traffic causes pollution. 所有的交通都引起污染。
- The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday. 昨天拆除核后处理工厂引起了放射物泄漏。
- At least they don't cause pollution or traffic jams. 至少它们不会造成污染或者交通阻塞。
- Tom: Do you think the snowmaking may cause pollution? 汤姆:你觉得造雪会引起污染吗?
- Tom : Do you think the snowmaking may cause pollution? 汤姆:你觉得造雪会引起污染吗?
- This paper describes the harm to the circulating water system in synthetic ammonia plant caused by the leaking of ammonia and nitrobacteria,and relative countermeasures are presented. 介绍了合成氨厂循环水系统漏氨较为严重时对杀菌灭藻的危害以及硝化菌群对系统的影响,提出搞好循环水系统运行的一些措施。
- Crown gall A disease of plants caused by the soil-dorne bacterium Agrobacterium trmefasciens. 冠瘿;根癌:由土壤中的根癌农杆菌所引起的植物疾病。
- The disposal of other industrial wastes may not cause pollution damage to fishing areas and shipping channels. 处置其他工业垃圾不得对渔业水域、航道造成污染损害。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- A disease of onions and related bulbous plants caused by a fungus (Pyrenochaeta terrestris) and resulting in stunted growth and shriveled pink roots. (洋葱等的)粉红根病:一种由真菌(大葱赤根病)引起的洋葱病或其它鳞茎植物病,其结果是生长受阻,粉色根萎缩
- Yes, that's true. But they don't cause pollution or traffic jams. One thing in New York is much better, though. 是的,确实。但是自行车并不引起污染或者交通阻塞。尽管在纽约有一个方面更好一些。
- Many of our habits cause pollution, especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away. 我们很多的习惯都会导致污染,特别是我们将东西使用一次就扔掉的习惯。
- Also, all the electricity used at Coppi's is wind-generated so it does not cause pollution. 还有,用于餐馆日常使用的电源均来自风力发电,这样就不会产生污染。
- Yes, that s true. But they don t cause pollution or traffic jams. One thing in New York is much better, though. 是的,确实。但是自行车并不引起污染或者交通阻塞。尽管在纽约有一个方面更好一些。
- "Incident" means any occurrence, or series of occurrences having the same origin, which causes pollution damage. “事件”是指造成油污损害的任何事故,或由于同一起因所导致的一系列事故。