- plant setting machine 栽苗机,插秧机
- With functions of setting machine parameter and testing. 具有机器设备参数的设备及自检功能。
- Project management experience on new plant set up, includes the product planning, process planning, quality control, human resource administration. 有设立新工厂的项目管理经验;包括产品计划;过程计划;质量控制和人员管理.
- That was Canada calling, explained the chief engineer at a coal-fired power plant set among knockoff antique and art shops in a Beijing suburb. 这位热电厂的总工程师解释道,电话是从加拿大打来的。
- "Yami Le Di" Ya Towel Set Machine is a smart high-tech and green environmental protection as a whole new type of electrical products. “雅美乐迪”雅巾机是一种集智能高科技和绿色环保为一体的新型电器产品。
- The company also expanded the production scale of underpants, with more than Gurao underwear manufacturing plant set up long-term and stable cooperation relationship. 公司同时拓展内裤生产规模,与谷饶镇多家内裤生产工厂建立了长期稳定的协作关系。
- With the first plant set up in China 10 years ago, Brose has now 3 production and development facilities across over China.Brose Shanghai Automotive Systems Co. 博泽在十年前就在中国建立了第一个生产基地,目前我们在全国共有三个生产和研发的基地。
- Advanced produce euqipments is the basis of the good quanlity. Our company own sulzer loom automatic washer heat setting machine and polyester loom which are all imported from Switzerland. 先进的生产设备是确保产品质量的前提。公司有瑞士苏尔寿公司生产的片梭织机,自动水洗机、热定型机,聚酯网织机90余台。从而使筛网产品系列化、多元化、优质化。
- When was the plant set up? 工厂是什么时候建立的?
- When it becomes fully operational in early2007, the187,000 sq ft plant set over23 acres will be the first in the world to produce dye-sensitised solar cells( DSSC) on a commercial scale. 在2007年的早些时候投入生产后,这个占地187000平方英尺,折合23英亩的工厂将成为世界上第一家投入商业化生产染料敏化太阳能电池的公司。
- When it becomes fully operational in early2007, the187,000 sq ft plant set over23 acres will be the first in the world to produce dye-sensitised solar cells( DSSC) on a commercial scale . 在2007年的早些时候投入生产后,这个占地187000平方英尺,折合23英亩的工厂将成为世界上第一家投入商业化生产染料敏化太阳能电池的公司。
- A virtual movie "Shanghai Iron and Steel Plant", had recruited the actors to participate in the performance of Asian people in the United States, Pennsylvania, a steel plant set to build the site. 影片虚拟了一个“上海钢铁厂”,曾招募亚裔群众演员参与演出,在美国宾夕法尼亚州一间钢铁厂遗址上搭建布景。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Book joint setting machine for pipes 管道压槽机
- diagram photo-type setting machine 图画照相排字机
- heavy duty samming and setting machine 重型平展匀湿两用机
- The plant converts crude oil into gasoline. 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。
- Now ordinary repairs can be handled in our plant. 现在一般的修理工作都可在我们厂进行了。
- Plant need water the way they need sun light. 植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。
- Many of them, such as the high temperature yarn dyeing machines, rapier looms, L-box bleaching range, short loop heat setting machines and Roto-Stream type overflow dyeing machines are technically advanced in 90s. 在引进先进技术设备的同时,广大技术人员努力学习新技术,采用新工艺,不断开发研制出多种工业、装饰和新潮服装用布的新产品,其中,纯棉水洗绉布、粘合衬里布等新产品,填补了国内及北京地区纺织产品市场的空白。