- Computing Methods in Analyzing Plant Electrical Signal 植物电信号的解析方法初探
- Measurement Methods for Basic Research of Plant Electrical Signal 植物电信号测量方法研究
- Application Statistical Analysis Method in the Study of the Plant Electrical Signal 统计分析方法在植物电波信号研究中的应用
- plant electrical signal 植物电信号
- A device that attenuates an electrical signal. 衰减器,减压器使电子讯号减弱的装置
- To reduce(the amplitude of an electrical signal)with little or no distortion. 减弱讯号在失真极小或不失真的情况下减弱(调幅或电子讯号)
- To reduce(the amplitude of an electrical signal) with little or no distortion. 减弱讯号在失真极小或不失真的情况下减弱(调幅或电子讯号)
- An asynchronous electrical signal from a peripheral to the processor. 一个从外设到处理器的异步电信号。
- Be familiar with mining electrical equipments, especially at mill plant electrical system. 熟悉矿山电气设备,尤其是矿山选厂设备系统。
- Data bits are allocated to the channels through a highly efficient modulation technique that converts digital data to electrical signal pulses. 数据通过一种高效的调制技术(即把数字数据变成电信号脉冲)分配给各个信道。
- A type of transmission medium consisting of two insulated wire twisted together to improve its immunity to interference from other(stray) electrical signals that may otherwise corrupt the signal being transmitted. 由两根外皮绝缘的导线扭在一起组成的一种类型的传输媒体,扭在一起是为提高对可能破坏被传输信号的其它(杂散)电信号的抗扰度。
- In emergency, an electrical signal could be sent, and the dolphin could be killed by the explosive charge. 情况紧急时,就可发出电子信号用炸药炸死海豚。
- A thermistor, a type of temperature-to-resistance transducer, is able to transduce temperature into a continuous electrical signal. 一种电热调节器,一类抗温变频器,能把温度转化为连续的电信号。
- It can be given for the importation of electrical signal proportional to the control Yeliu pressure, flow and direction. 它可以按给定的输入电信号连续地按比例地控制液流的压力、流量和方向。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- A nerve cell, for example, rapidly transmits electrical signals in the body. 例如,神经细胞在体内能迅速传递电信号。
- The photomultiplier converts the light energy signal into an identical electrical signal that can be easily manipulated and measured. 光电倍增管可将光能转变成易于操纵或测量的电流信号。
- One that announces, especially an electrical signaling device used in hotels or offices to indicate the sources of calls on a switchboard. 信号器,示号器宣告物,尤指饭店或办公室中使用的一种电子信号装置,用来指示交换台上的呼叫信号来源
- Shunt Trip Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal. 分励脱扣分励脱扣是线路断路器或可熔电闸的一个特性,可通过远程信号来进行分断或转换。
- Photodetectors are transducers that convert light into an electric signal. 光电探测器是将光转化成电信号的变换器。