- plant buffer zone 植物缓冲带
- Buffer zone and signage shall be properly planned for the entrance. 校门外侧应留有缓冲地带和设置警示标志。
- A large open space fronting Nam Cheong Estate serving as a buffer zone between the residential area and West Kowloon Expressway was opened for public use in early 1998. 南昌前面的一幅大型游憩用地,已于一九九八年初建成供市民使用,并作为住宅区与西九龙快速公路之间的缓冲区。
- Russia says the troop truce allows it to stay in a buffer zone on the Georgian side of the South Ossetian border. 俄国说休战协定允许它(的军队)停驻在位于南奥赛梯边界附近的格鲁吉亚缓冲地区。
- Russia says the truce allows it to stay on the in a buffer zone on the Georgian side of this the South Ossetian border. 俄罗斯说休战协议允许俄方部队停留在南奥塞梯边界格鲁吉亚方的缓冲地带。
- Mr Trenin says that what Russia wants is a buffer zone, with no American military bases or NATO presence. 特列宁说俄罗斯想要的是一个没有美国军事基地或北约出现的缓冲区。
- Previous demonstrations in periods of tension have led to shootings in the buffer zone. 先前在紧张时期的游行示威曾导致缓冲区发生开枪事件。
- Many GISs support the automatic compilation of buffer zones. 许多的GIS软体,支援自动编辑的缓冲区域。
- Alternatively, such dedicated areas should be surrounded by a buffer zone in order to minimise the risk of contamination of other manufacturing areas. 另外的方法是,对这样的特定区域要建立一个周围的缓冲区,以避免对其他生产区域带来的污染的风险。
- Spindler says the UNHCR plans to conduct regular assessment missions to the buffer zone and to provide aid to the inhabitants. 斯平德勒说,联合国难民事务高级专员公署打算在该缓冲区开展常规的评估工作,并且向当地居民提供援助。
- Russia says the troops truce allowes it to stand stay in a buffer zone on the Georgian side of this South Ossetian boarder. 俄方说停火协议允许俄军扎驻在格鲁吉亚靠近南奥塞梯的缓冲地带。
- Another way of maximizing the conservation value of a reserve is to surround the reserve with a buffer zone of the same habitat. 保护值最大的另一种方法是在保护区周围设置一个同样生境的缓冲区。
- She crossed the United Nations buffer zone to marry a Syrian-Druze groom on September 25, but will be unable to return to her village of Ein Qeinya. 她于9月25日通过联合国缓冲区嫁给一名叙利亚德鲁兹新郎,但她将无法返回她的村庄艾因。
- The site ideally should have sufficient lands to provide a buffer zone between the facility and the public surrounding it. 理想的处理现场是应该在设施及其周围公共环境之间构筑一条足够宽的缓冲地带。
- Kofi Annan, the UN's secretary-general, has suggested that a powerful international force might create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon. 联合国秘书长科菲-安南建议由国际维和部队在黎巴嫩南部建立一个缓冲带。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The U.N. refugee agency says it finally has succeeded in entering the so-called "buffer zone" north of the town of Gori in Georgia. 联合国难民机构说,他们终于成功地进入了在格鲁吉亚城市哥里以北的缓冲区。
- The paper analyzes the algorithm of building linear buffer zone by angular bisectrix method,then puts forward a new method for getting angular bisectrix and buffer point. 分析了用对角平分线法建立缓冲区的算法,提出了一种新的求角平分线和缓冲点的方法,实践证明其在算法实现方面是可行的,而且效果比较理想。
- But US officials say Russia is violating its withdrawal agreement by setting up checkpoints and buffer zone s around the separatist regions it supports. 但是美国当局说俄罗斯在它所支持的独立组织地区建立了检查点和缓冲区,这违背了撤军协议。
- The paper analyzes the algorithm of building linear buffer zone by angular bisectrix method, then puts forward a new method for getting angular bisectrix and buffer point. 摘要分析了用对角平分线法建立缓冲区的算法,提出了一种新的求角平分线和缓冲点的方法,实践证明其在算法实现方面是可行的,而且效果比较理想。