- plant asset depreciation 固定资产折旧
- The book value of a plant asset is its cost minus the related accumulated depreciation. 固定资产的账面净值是它的成本价减相对应的累计折旧。
- This principle means that a company should not change from year to year the method used in computing the depreciation expense for a given plant asset. 该原则意即公司在计算任一长期资产每年的折旧费时不能随意改变折旧方法。
- Specifying period for which asset depreciation is calculated. 数据类型,指定计算资产折旧所用的周期。
- Specifying the period for which asset depreciation is calculated. 指定计算资产折旧所用的周期。
- The cost of a plant asset minus the total recorded depreciation, as shown by the Accumulated Depreciation account. The remaining undepreciated cost is also known as carrying value. 账面价值:等于厂场资产的成本减去已记录的折旧总额,即累计折旧账户中所显示的数额。剩余的未折旧成本也叫做帐面价值。
- Review and post asset depreciation and ensure depreciation accounting is properly. 检查和记录固定资产折旧账目并确保折旧的适当合理。
- Sold some plant assets, the price is $100, the original cost is $20, the accumulated depreciation is $10. 销售厂房类资产,售价为100美元,原始成本为20美元,累计折旧为10美元
- For all categories of plant assets, there are three basic "accountable events": (1) acquisition, (2) allocation of the acquisition cost to expense over the asset's useful life (depreciation), and (3) sale or disposal. 所有类别的长期资产都有三个基本会计核算事项:(1)购置(2)将购置成本摊销到该资产存续期每一年的费用中(即折旧)(3)出售或清理。
- The CSRC and its detached offices may require the company to make a special explanation on the sufficiency and rationality of the withdrawal of asset depreciation reserves. 中国证监会及其派出机构可以要求公司专项说明资产减值准备提取的充足性和合理性。
- Plant property subject to depreciation, included are plant assets of limited useful life such as buildings and office equipment. 需折旧的固定资产。包括使用寿命有限的房屋和设备等。
- Meanwhile, depreciation of plant assets and amortization of intangible assets are so important for tax planning that we also discuss these topics. 同时,由于固定资产的折旧以及无形资产的计价与摊销对企业纳税筹划的重要影响,报告也将详细讨论。
- Probed new regulations and practice of calculation of asset depreciation,devalue preparation,prediction of abandonment charge and rights and interests of the mineral district. 围绕油气资产折耗的计算方法、减值准备、预计废弃费用、矿区权益等方面的新规定及其实施问题进行探讨。
- In 1999, Treasury Department released the regulation supplement and accounting rule for allocating asset depreciation reserved on 4 investments. In 2000, it expanded to 8 investments. 财政部于1999年前后发布了关于对四项资产计提减值准备的规定,2000年将计提范围扩大到八项资产。
- Thus, many incidental costs may be included in the cost assigned to a plant asset. 因此,长期资产的成本可能包括很多附加成本。
- But if a company constructs a plant asset for its own use, the interest charges during the construction period are viewed as part of the asset's cost. 但如果公司购建长期资产自用,购建期的利息支出被视为该资产成本的一部分。
- The cost of a plant asset includes all expenditures that are reasonable and necessary for getting the asset to the desired location and ready for use. 长期资产的成本包括为将该资产购置到位并达到可以使用状态的所有合理、必需的开支。
- What is genuflect is begged fixed assets depreciation? What does the basis of depreciation have? 跪求什么是固定资产折旧?折旧的依据有哪些?
- The cost of a plant asset is the purchase price, applicable tax- es, purchase commissions, and all other amounts paid to ac- quire the asset and to ready it for its intended use. 固定资产的成本包括买价、关税金、买佣金和其他为取得资产和使其达到交付使用状况的一切支出。
- ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定资产分组折旧法