- How to evaluate disaster influences of regional planning and development? 如何对区域规划和开发建设项目进行灾害影响评价。
- EPP 5030 Educational Policy, Planning and Development 2 units; 2 Lect. 生将学习如何分析及评估与本地有关的教育政策、规划及发展。
- How to plan and manage tests in product design and development process? 在产品的研发过程中如何规划和管理测试?
- It also co-ordinates the work of all other major education-related advisory bodies on the planning and development of education at all levels. 教统会也就各个教育阶段的策划和发展,统筹其他主要教育谘询组织的工作。
- Integrated planning and development studies have begun to assess the development potentials of three broad areas the TDS Review identified for strategic growth. 当局在全港发展策略检讨中鉴定了适合作策略性增长的概括地区后,展开了三项综合规划及发展研究,以评估其中三个概括地区的发展潜力。
- It also co-ordinates the work of all other education-related advisory bodies on the planning and development of education at all levels. 教统会也就各教育阶段的策划和发展,统筹所有其他教育咨询组织的工作。
- City planning and allied studies. 城市规划和相关研究。
- Government-level research priorities can be merged with business planning and development goals. 政府一级的优先研究项目可与企业规划和发展目标结合起来。
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- The present study can provide value information for planning and development of other coastal recreational areas. 本研究结果也可提供作为其他滨海游憩区规划及开发上之参考。
- The Application Plan and Development of Earth Observation During National "Eleventh Five-Year". 国家“十一五”对地观测应用规划与发展。
- The integrated planning and development studies on NENT and NWNT have identified Kwu Tung North, Fanling North and Hung Shui Kiu as the new development areas. 新界东北和新界西北综合规划及发展研究,把古洞北、粉岭北和洪水桥定为新一代的新市镇。
- Another role of the OMT is to guide and assist the Pastor in the planning and development of major renovations and extension projects for our church. 堂区运作小组的另一职分是协助及提引本堂主任司铎作出有关我们圣堂的发展扩建及大型维修工程的计划。
- The Vice Chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD), Yeh Wan-an, offers his views on issues connected to the above questions. 过去的产业,如纺织、制鞋等,投资小,回收快,而今各项资本技术密集工业,如钢铁、机械等,投资大,回收慢。也就是说,同样的投资对经济成长的贡献不一。
- The systematic plan and construction had facilitated the production and development of Mt.Lushan society in modem time. 近现代庐山系统的规划建设促成了庐山社会的生成与发展。
- The formation and development of bodily tissues. 组织发生身体组织的形式的发育
- Implication enormous potential for commercial value-added, Yuncheng city government are the focus of planning and development direction. 蕴涵巨大的商业增值潜力,是运城市政府重点规划发展的方向。
- The integrated planning and development studies on NENT and NWNT have identified Kwu Tung North,Fanling North and Hung Shui Kiu as the new development areas. 新界东北和新界西北综合规划及发展研究,把古洞北、粉岭北和洪水桥定为新一代的新市镇。
- Members of the community play an important part in the planning and development,management and review of the education system by serving on various advisory bodies. 社会人士通过加入谘询组织,在教育制度的规划、发展、管理及检讨方面,担当重要的角色。
- Both planning and marketing are economic means. 计划和市场都是经济手段。