- To establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy. 初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。
- The employees turnover is pet topic in modern management of human sources. as the shift from "planned commodity economy to market economy", The employees turnover is a problem has been most attention many manger and researcher. 员工的流失是现代人力资源管理较为热门的话题,随着我国经济体制的转变,市场经济体制的建立与不断发展和完善,员工的流失问题必然我国企业管理人员,管理理论研究人员所关注。
- the framework for a planned commodity economy 计划商品经济的框架
- the shift from "planned commodity economy to market economy" 从计划经济向市场经济过渡
- so as to serve the development of a planned commodity economy. 为发展有计划的商品经济服务。
- planned commodity economy 有计划商品经济
- The main economic form in current China is a commodity economy. 当今中国的主要经济形式是商品经济。
- Commodity economy of the Ming Dynasty achieved a further development. 明代商品经济得到进一步发展。
- Abstr act: Exhaustation of rights is a principle borned with commodity economy. 内容提要:权利穷竭是随着商品经济的发展而产生的原则。
- Advertizing is the product of the development of the commodity economy, and its own progress is the brarometer of the prosperity of economy. 广告是商品经济发展的产物,其发达的程度是经济繁荣的晴雨表。
- Contract spirit is condensed by a series of principle and norms at a certain degree of commodity economy. 摘要契约精神是商品经济发展到一定程度所形成的一系列原则和规范所凝聚而成的精神。
- The development of the world democracy shows that commodity economy gestates modern democracy . 世界民主发展的历史表明,商品经济孕育了现代民主政治。
- Commercial Bribery is a social phenomenon formed conjunctively with the development of a commodity economy. 商业贿赂是伴随着商品经济的发展而自发形成的一种社会现象。
- This article elucidates the significance of developing a commodity economy in our country. 这篇文章阐发了在我国发展商品经济的意义。
- In areas where the commodity economy is relatively developed,rural women engaged in business account for half of farmers who have gone into trade. 在商品经济比较发达的地区,从商农民中妇女约占二分之一。
- Rational individualism is not a reflection of the commodity economy, but a inevitable result of commodity economy under capitalism. 合理个人主义不是商品经济的反映,而是资本主义私有制商品经济的必然。
- This synchronism makes the marketing towns become more and more important in developing rural commodity economy in the west part of the Loess Plateau. 这种同步性使集镇在黄土高原西部地区农村商品经济发展中的地位变得愈来愈重要。
- In order to adapting the evolution of the commodity economy's development, companies crime system establishes and consummatesstep by step. 适应商品经济的发展,单位犯罪制度逐步确立并日益完善。
- The existence of large numBer of commodity circulation channels is one of the important causes of favoraBle development of a commodity economy. 商品流通渠道多,是商品经济良性发展的重要原因之一。
- In areas where the commodity economy is relatively developed, rural women engaged in business account for half of farmers who have gone into trade. 在商品经济比较发达的地区,从商农民中妇女约占二分之一。