- planetary exploration vehicle 行星探测飞行器
- Robots And Humans In Planetary Exploration: Working Together? 星际探索中机器人与人类如何共同合作?
- Indeed, in spite of everything, scientists rate Galileo as one of the most successful missions of planetary exploration. 确实,尽管发生了种种事故,科学家认为伽利略号是行星探索任务中最成功的一次。
- Because of this, unique microbes like the "stars" of Northam mine may shed a bit of light on the future of planetary exploration. 因此,诺瑟姆铂金公司矿井中独特的星状微生物可以为将来的行星探索活动提供一些解释。
- The reorientation of NASA’s planetary exploration programs is in response to a recent National Research Council report card. NASA对行星探索的再定位是为了回应最近的国际研究会议的报告。
- "We believe that pushing forward human presence in space may become essential for planetary exploration, a goal we have set for ISRO," said ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair. 迄今为止只有美国和前苏联实现了载人登月,但是只有美国真正实现了人类在月球表面登陆。如果印度按照时间表在2020年成功载人登陆月球表面,它成为第二个实现这一壮举的国家。
- In the early 1980s, however, funding for planetary exploration was limited, so officials from NASA and the ESA began to consider combining their resources. 但是在1980年代初期,探索行星的经费有限,因此NASA和ESA的官员开始考虑结合彼此的资源。
- Atreya of the University of Michigan, a member of the MSL team and of a National Research Council (NRC) panel that evaluated NASA's planetary exploration program last year. 阿提耶是MSL小组的一员,去年也担任美国国家研究委员会(NRC)NASA行星探测计画评估小组的成员。
- NRC panels periodically take a step back and ask whether the world's planetary exploration programs are on track. The list of goals that follows synthesizes their priorities. NRC的专案小组定期检视并询问世界各国的行星探测计画进度,并综合分析这些计画的优先顺序,列出了以下目标。
- The so-called crew exploration vehicle perched on top would look very much like an Apollo ca ule, albeit larger. 位于新型运载火箭顶端的所谓的宇航员探险飞行器看上去和阿波罗太空舱非常相似,只是更大了一些。
- The so-called crew exploration vehicle perched on top would look very much like an Apollo capsule, larger. 位于新型运载火箭顶端的所谓的宇航员探险飞行器看上去和阿波罗太空舱非常相似,只是更大了一些。
- Both landing sites had been specifically chosen in the hope they would yield evidence for water. But the proof didn't come quite as expected; nothing in planetary exploration ever does. 两个着陆点的圈定,都以希望能发现水存在的证据为指导。但正如行星探索中常常发生的那样,证据的出现总让人异想不到。
- The space agency is also working on a Crew Exploration Vehicle - or CEV - which would ferry crews of up to six astronauts and their cargo into space. 最近几年,对美国宇航局来说可谓是步履维艰。由于哥伦比亚号航天飞机在2003年重返地面的时候在德克萨斯州上空解体,美国的载人宇宙飞行停顿了两年多。
- The rusted prow of the R.M.S. Titanic is lit by an exploratory vehicle. 探照灯照亮了铁达尼号那锈迹斑斑的船舷.
- planetary exploration spacecraft 行星探测航天器
- Photograph by Emory Kristof The rusted prow of the R.M.S.Titanic is lit by an exploratory vehicle. 探照灯照亮了铁达尼号那锈迹斑斑的船舷.
- During the phaseout, targeted for 2010, much of the shuttle's $4-billion annual budget will be shifted toward designing a crew exploration vehicle that could take astronauts to the moon. 根据规划,从现在到2010年,将逐步减少太空梭每年40亿美元的预算,然后将预算移转到设计新式的载人探测船,以便带太空人去月球。
- The crew exploration vehicle would replace the ace shuttle, due to be retired in 2010, but not before 2012 and po ibly as late as 2014 depending on the money available, Griffin said. 到2010年,航天飞机将退役,被宇航员探险飞行器取代。但这一计划在2012年之前很难实现,可能要推迟到2014年,主要取决于资金问题,格里芬说。
- Planetary exploration using a small electromagnetic sensor 利用一个小电磁传感器进行行星探测