- sulfur crack(焊接缺陷)硫裂
- incremental strain theory (锻压的)增量理论
- star crack (玻璃制品表面缺陷)星状裂纹
- stretcher strain markings (轨材矫直时的)滑移线痕
- heat treatment crack (所产生的)热处理裂纹
- chevron crack (圆断面坯料拔长时形成的)中心裂纹
- (=motion mode unit) M型(超声诊断)仪M-mode u.
- 一般认为“crack”是“cocaine”的派生词。"Crack" is often described as a derivative of cocaine.
- 作为Representational Mode的英诗语言English Poetic Language as Representational Mode
- 这种毒品的叫法五花八门,有人称为crack,也有人叫它freebase。The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
- 默认的mode是0777,意味着最大可能的访问权。The mode is 0777 by default, which means the widest possible access.
- 该 BDV P24片段核苷酸序列与马源BDV H1766株同源性最高,达96.51%,与标准株Strain V和 He/80同源性为95.35%,并且编码的氨基酸序列也相同。The gene sequence for positive products showed that BDV P24 in goats from Chongqing was highly similar with that of H1766 strain detected from diseased horses(96. 51%25)and also with that of the standard strain V and strain He/80(95. 35%25). However, their amino acid sequences remained the same.
- 如果你想将其放宽到GID比较,则打开safe_mode_gid。If you want to relax this to a GID compare, then turn on safe_mode_gid.
- 将数据源的Informix Lock Mode Wait设置为更高的值。Set Informix Lock Mode Wait for the data source to a higher value.
- 对来源于本课题组自主分离的黑曲霉N25(Aspergillus niger China Strain)的植酸酶基因phyA(GenBank:基因注册号为AF218813,蛋白质序列号为AAF25481)进行PCR介导的定点突变。By using long-distance inverse PCR, Arg (cgt) and Arg (egg) in the expression fragment of phytase phyA gene (GenBank : accession numbers AF218813 and AAF25481) were mutated synonymously to Arg (aga), which is a bias code of yeast.
- 基于 Native Mode ATM API 的应用系统模型及关键技术The Model and Key Technology in Application System Based on Native Mode ATM API
- 以小麦全蚀菌病毒泰安株(Gaeumannomyces graminis virus Taian strain,GgV-Taian)的dsRNA为探针进行斑点杂交,比较低了5种dsRNA真菌病毒和7株小麦全蚀菌病毒分离物间的同源性。Using labelled dsRNA of Gaenmannomyces 9raminis virus Taian ( GgV-Taian ) as probe, dot blot analysis was made between GgV-Taian and viruses from five species of fungus or seven isolates of GgV. The dsRNA of GgV-Taian hybridized with viral dsRNA of distantly related species of As-per3illus oryzae, A.
- 下面显示了最全面的列集,当mode为FULL时,就会返回该集。The most comprehensive set of columns is shown below and is returned when mode is FULL.
- 如果不需要将语句自动提交,则需要把mode设为OCI_DEFAULT。If you don't want statements to be committed automatically, you should specify OCI_DEFAULT as your mode.
- 结论:重庆地区家鸡中存在动物源性BDV自然感染,其感染的BDV p24核苷酸序列与动物来源的BDV H1766株及其标准株Strain V和He/ 80存在高度的同源性。 本研究不支持重庆地区家鸭中存在BDV自然感染。The gene sequence for positive product showed BDV p24 in the domestic fowls from Chongqing was homophylic with H1766 strain