- plan position approach 平面位置
- They should take the initiative, which is also a positive approach. 要争取主动。这也是一个正面的方法。
- In the thesis, a new electron gun position approach is developed in main sealing procedure in order to improve the accuracy of electron gun position. 在综合分析了现有电子枪机械及激光扭曲调整系统优缺点的基础上,本文开发一种可实现高精度扭曲调整的控制系统。
- plan position indication approach 平面位置指示进场
- They should take the initiative,which is also a positive approach. 要争取主动,这也是一个正面的方法。
- The Government is taking a positive approach to tackling crime. 政府正在采取积极措施来遏制犯罪。
- The anger in peacetime should cultivate a positive approach to management. 对于愤怒情绪,平时应培养正面的管理方式。
- It is this positive approach to racial or ethnic identification on which liberal elements of the Jewish community are trying to capitalize. 犹太人中的开明分子正是力图用这种对待种/民族身份的积极态度。
- Off center plan position indicator 偏心平面指示器
- This spark must occur near the end of the compression stroke, as the position approaches top dead center (TDC). 火花应该在接近压缩行程终了的时候产生,即活塞位于接近上止点(TDC)。
- Constant altitude plan position indicator, CAPPI; 等高平面位置显示器;
- Perceptive and understanding of others your positive approach to life and influential nature means that you have leadership qualities. 他人的理解;你对生命的肯定和有影响的本性意味着你有很好的领导能力。
- heading upward plan position indicator 航向平面位置显示器
- The method, the system is a positive approach to negation and thus thought can never find the essence of itself.... 方法,体系是一种通过肯定去达到否定的方式,所以思想永远不可能发现自己的本质。
- Random access plan position indicator 随机存取平面位置显示器
- Amway gives us a lifestyle with plenty of freedom. We're glad to develop the Amway business and a positive approach to our lifestyle. 安利与以前工作的最大分别,是我们得到自由,培养了积极的人生态度,能够发展安利事业,我们感到很开心。
- Electronic Plan Position Indicator 平面位置电子指示器
- Instead of making demands, a positive approach with strongly motivating materials can help her temporarily overcome the severe apraxia and succeed. 不要使用命令,相反的使用具强烈引发动机的材料的正向方式,能够帮助她短暂地克服严重的失用症以及缔造成功经验。
- Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator 等高平面位置指示器
- In addition, a good recreation manager needs to exhibit a certain aggressiveness in order to obtain a positive approach to management. 他必须在一切可能的地方寻找改善旅游区的机会,为了掌握积极的管理方法,他还需要具有一定的好胜心。