- placental gonadotrophin 胎盘促性腺激素
- placental gonadotropin 胎盘促性腺激素
- Formation of a placenta in the uterus. 胎盘形成胎盘在子宫中的形成过程
- Mouse Chorionic Gonadotrophin,CG Elisa Kit;... 小鼠绒毛膜促性腺激素(CG)试剂盒;
- The type or structure of a placenta. 胎盘形式或构造
- Having no placenta, as marsupials and monotremes. 无胎盘的无胎盘的,如有袋目哺乳动物和单孔目动物
- Human Placental alkaline pkosphatase,PLAP Elisa... 人胎盘碱性磷酸酶(PLAP)试剂盒;
- Earlier studies linked the placenta to the disease. 早期的研究认为,该病与胎盘有关。
- Fraternal twins share one placenta. 异卵双生共享一个胎盘。
- Having no placenta,as marsupials and monotremes. 无胎盘的无胎盘的,如有袋目哺乳动物和单孔目动物
- The placenta, which develops in response to the implantation of an embryo, produces a certain hormone called chorionic gonadotropin. 胎盘是适应胚胎植入而发育起来的结构,它会产生一些激素,叫绒毛膜促性腺激素。
- The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals. 胚泡转化的囊胚,为胎盘哺乳动物的特征
- Feng KC, Lee HL, Jian MR, Liu BL, and Tzeng YM , 2004, Production and Assay of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin from Placenta Choriocarcinoma Cell Line. 古欣平、郑如茜、刘炳岚、冯国庆、曾耀铭,2004,黑僵菌素B抑制人类血癌细胞生长影响之研究。
- All mammals except monotremes and marsupials are placental mammals. 除了单孔类动物和有袋动物之外所有的哺乳动物都是有胎盘的哺乳动物。
- The pregnancy rate with gonadotropin therapy is 25% per cycle. 用尿促性素的妊娠率是每周期25%25。
- A stalk connecting an ovule or a seed with the placenta. 珠柄与胚珠或含胎座的种子相接的叶柄
- Placental Leak Drives Mom-to-Baby HIV Transmission HIV. 经胎盘泄漏,造成母婴传播。
- Title:Role of placental extract in the therapy of urticarias. 胎盘粹取素之功用在治疗麻疹、风疹块。
- Methods: We present a study about 10 cases of placental abruption. 方法我们对10例临床确诊的胎盘早剥病例进行研究。
- Early fledgling placental implantation will lead to abortion. 早期胎盘着床未稳,容易引起流产。