- place strain upon 使…(极度)紧张,使处于紧张状态
- Exercise, injury, age and disease can all place strain on our joints. 运动,受伤,老化和疾病对我们的关节都有所伤害。
- They are at the end of their tether; another strain upon their business means bankruptcy for them. 他们已到了山穷水尽的地步,他们的生意再经受一次压力就会破产。
- They are at the end of their tether. Another strain upon their business means bankruptcy for them. 他们已经到了山穷水尽的地步。生意上再受一次打击就要破产了。
- Exercise and sports, though necessary to maintain good health, do place strain on muscles, joints, and bones. 锻炼或运动,对保持身体健康很有必要,但也使肌肉,关节,骨骼过度疲劳。
- Preventing excessive strain upon the crew and avoiding orminimising as far as practicable the working of overtime. 防止船员过度劳累和避免加班或尽量使加班减至最低限度。
- "This certainly puts an eventual strain upon the universities, which must devote lots of resources to remedial education," he said. “这势必将使大学承受很大压力,我们必须投入大量的资源来改善我们的教育”他说道。
- One who overuses nouns in writing places too much strain upon the verbs and as a result prevents the thought from moving along. 但另一方面,过分使用名词则易使文句冗长呆板、语义含糊、缺乏活力,使得语言变得抽象、难懂。如:
- Nothing but a heavy strain upon the good manners of the company kept back the due and proper complimentary laugh at this pleasant joke. But the silence was a little awkward. 听了这句可笑的话,在座的来宾为了面子都忍着没有笑出来,但场面却让人尴尬。
- This may be one of the contributing factors to 'tennis elbow.' Everyone is holding on so tight it is placing strain on the whole arm! 这(抓拍过紧)可能也是得“网球肘”的原因之一,因为抓拍柄过紧会使手臂过度紧张和疲劳。
- The place was fixed upon as exhibition grounds. 这个地方已被选定作为展览场所。
- These servers consume additional electricity and generate heat which can place strains on the cooling system within the data center. 这些服务器消耗更多的电能并产生热量,这样会造成数据中心的制冷系统变得紧张。
- This place doesn't have a very savory reputation. 这个地方的名声可不太好。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- She twitched the curtain into place. 她猛地拉好窗帘。
- exert a force or cause a strain upon. 施加压力或者使筋疲力
- The strain upon pent emotion reached its climax when the boy said: 说到后来,汤姆心中积压的情感一下子迸发出来,他说:
- I'd like to place an order for some tea with you. 我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶。
- My dedication to my task placed strains on my life. I had a family to support,and many of my relatives ridiculed me for my goal. 我对这份工作的奉献,使自己承受了不少的负担,我必须 赚钱养家,而且许多亲戚都嘲笑我。