- The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。
- The arms of a city or noble family is its coat of arms. 城市或显赫家族的标志是盾形纹徽。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle. 许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器。
- He likes to visit place of interest. 他喜欢参观名胜古迹。
- Sebastian became captain in place of Miles who had broken his leg. 迈尔斯的腿骨折了,塞巴斯蒂安代替他当了船长。
- A cinema is a place of entertainment. 电影院是个娱乐场所。
- They captured large quantities of arms and ammunition. 他们缴获了大量武器弹药。
- She led the children to a place of safety. 她把孩子们领到一个安全的地方。
- The import of arms into the country is illegal. 向这个国家进口武器是非法的。
- The children were led to a place of safety. 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。
- Do you know any place of renown around here? 你知道这儿有什么名胜吗?
- A panel bearing the coat of arms of a deceased person. 丧徽其上有死人的衣服袖子的板
- A regular place of assembly for reviews of troops. 阅兵场检阅军队时经常集会的地方
- The dwelling place of such a community. 修道院这种团体居住的场所
- They don't want a passage of arms over this matter. 他们不想在这个问题上争论。
- Joe had to work as blacksmith in place of his lazy father. 乔只得代替他懒惰的父亲去当铁匠。
- What is the UN doing to stop the spread of arms? 联合国如何制止武器扩散?
- Electric trains have taken the place of steam trains in Britain. 在英国,电气火车已经代替了蒸汽火车。
- Emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms. 用一件军装装饰门口