- place in a ridiculous position 使处于尴尬的境地
- Such desires can have no place in a good heart. 心地善良的人不会有这样的欲望。
- The story took place in a serene summer night. 故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。
- The action took place in a seaside village. 这个故事发生在海边的一个渔村里。
- To place in or as if in a coffin. 收殓放入或要放入棺材之中
- A place in a routine where a branch is selected. 例行程序中选择分支的那个位置。
- To place in or as if in a pocket. 饱入私囊放进或仿佛放进口袋里
- The action took place in a village. 故事发生在一个乡村。
- To place in or enclose in a tube. 装管放入管内或用管包住
- Arbitration may take place in a third country. 仲裁可在第三国进行。
- To place in a grave or tomb;bury. 埋葬放在墓或坟里;埋
- Their marriage took place in a local church. 他们的婚礼是在当地一所教堂里举行的。
- She won the first place in a speech contest. 她在一场演讲比赛中得到第一名。
- The next race will take place in a year's time. 下一次比赛会在一年后举行。
- Took place in a turbulent period of history. 这件事发生在骚乱不安的历史时期。
- To place in a fund for accumulation. 积累,积聚为积累而放入的资金
- The story took place in a mountain village. 这故事发生在一个山村。
- The interview took place in a studio. 面试是在一个演播室进行的。
- The actiontook place in a seaside village. 这个故事发生在海边的一个渔村里。
- Weddings normally take place in a church. 婚礼通常在教堂里举行。