- When other importer place their goods on the market, we have sell ours at profitable price. 当其他进口商将货物投放市场时,我们已经以盈利价格售出了我们的货。
- Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market. 商品价格平稳,市场货源充足。
- Place goods on the market. 投放市场。
- When other importer place their goods on the market,we have sell ours at profitable price. 当其他进口商将货物投放市场时,我们已经以盈利价格售出了我们的货。
- Goods on the wharves were rapidly cleared. 码头上的货物很快就运走了。
- These computers are not yet on the market. 这些计算机还未上市。
- A new type of car is on the market now. 现在一种新型小汽车正在上市。
- He put his old car on the market. 他将他的旧车标价出售。
- Buy goods on the installment plan have become epidemic in recent year. 近几年来,用分期付款的办法购物十分流行。
- The adventurers are chatting on the market place. 冒险家正在市场地方上闲谈。
- This model outsells all others on the market. 这种型号在市场上较其他型号畅销。
- Their lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency. 他们片面地注重重工业;忽视农业和轻工业;因而市场上货物不够;货币不稳定.
- There were many new houses, there were plenty of consumer goods on the market, and cadres were brimming with confidence. 新房子盖得很多,市场物资丰富,干部信心很足。
- Face the numerous brand goods on the market, most consumer preference of the carpentry that believes employ or painter " authority is recommended " . 面对市场上众多的品牌商品,多数消费者选择了相信雇佣的木工或油漆工的“权威推荐”。
- We need to accelerate the reform of the system of distributing goods and develop modern methods of distribution to make it difficult to put counterfeits and shoddy goods on the market. 加快流通体制改革,发展现代流通方式,使假冒伪劣商品难以进入市场。
- The most reliable car on the market, bar none. 市场上最耐用的汽车,每辆都可靠,无一例外。
- place goods on the market 把商品投入到市场上
- Don't put your house on the market in the winter, when sales are slow. 不要在冬季出售你的房屋,因为是销售淡季。
- Result of place goods on trial sale, feel frowsty foot besides the person of 5 % outside, most person is satisfactory. 试销结果,除了5%25的人感到闷脚外,多数人满足。
- They put a new product on the market. 他们向市场推出一种新产品。