- Subsequently, russia scientist will place in a certain position on a device of amid Russia ensign. 随既,苏联科技家将于当中的一个装置上插放苏联国旗。
- Abstract: Russia academy of sciences announces 12 days, they will be in sea floor of 4300 meters of deep the Arctic Ocean place in a certain position Russia ensign. 正文: 苏联科技院12日宣告,它们将于4300米深的北冰洋水底插放苏联国旗。
- The actual chrestomathy of each life castaway, so deft that can pull pull, thin resemble a book thinly, let you place in a certain position arbitrarily in the aperture in a certain space. 每一个生活漂流者的现实读本,轻便得可以拉来拉去,薄薄的像一本书,让你任意地安插在某个空间的缝隙里。
- Find a job for; place in a certain position; plant; assign a job 把人或事物放在一定的位置上厂领导把他的小姨子安插在机要部门
- Such desires can have no place in a good heart. 心地善良的人不会有这样的欲望。
- The story took place in a serene summer night. 故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。
- The action took place in a seaside village. 这个故事发生在海边的一个渔村里。
- Mottola and Pawel suggest that while some degree of collapsing does take place in a dying star, the collapse proceeds only to a certain point. Mottola和Pawel暗示说,虽然一定程度上的核心坍缩的情况确实会在恒星衰竭的时候发生,但是这种坍缩是有限的。
- To place in or as if in a coffin. 收殓放入或要放入棺材之中
- A place in a routine where a branch is selected. 例行程序中选择分支的那个位置。
- Turn the face in a certain direction. 把脸转向某特定的方向。
- See fit or proper to act in a certain way. 判断怎样行事才算合适。
- To place in or as if in a pocket. 饱入私囊放进或仿佛放进口袋里
- There is always a certain slope in a ship's deck. 船的甲板总有几分倾斜。
- At present, there is 1 crematory, the rubbish is placed in a certain place and dealt with in time. 无棣县建有草坪、绿化园林、苗圃,以枣林为主的林网规划建设覆盖全县,大气环境无污染,高出国家标准。
- The action took place in a village. 故事发生在一个乡村。
- They like things done in a certain manner. 他们喜欢做的事情,在某地进行。
- To place in or enclose in a tube. 装管放入管内或用管包住
- Spend your life in a certain way. 他们过着非常幸福的生活。
- A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area. 商品经销特许权在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权