- In heap leaching and extraction process, the leaching rate and floccus bottlenecked production. 堆浸萃取工艺中,困扰生产的两大难题是浸出速率及萃取中的絮状物。
- Starting with analysis on cause of formation of floccus in heap leaching and extraction, the efficatious treatment method was studied in this paper. 直接影响生产的正常进行,有机损失大,造成成本高,本文从堆浸萃取中絮状物的成因着手,研究其有效的处理办法。
- Then, a mining-hydrome-tallurgical project of combining traditional mining-hydrometallurgy, in-place fracturing-leaching and heap leaching is proposed. 提出常规采冶法、原地破碎浸出和堆浸相结合的采冶方案。
- The experimental results on extraction of gold by heap leaching process from low-grade gold ore at very cold area in Xizang are introduced. 介绍了在西藏高寒地区采用堆浸工艺从低品位金矿石中提取金的试验结果。
- Heap leaching is a countercurrent process where the solid is in a stationary heap and the solvent percolates through the solid. 堆滩浸出是一种逆流过程,其中固体是一个固定堆,溶剂从其间穿流而过。
- With the technique of amalgamating ore tailing pelletized to heap leaching,there arrives a low leaching efficiency of no more than 54. 混汞尾矿直接用于制粒堆浸;金浸出率很低;只有54.;7%25;经化学预处理后;其载体矿物晶体构造被破坏;细散金从矿物中暴露出来;金的浸出率有了很大的提高;可达83
- Firstly,along the foot of the hill,pile up the coarse grained heap leaching tailing into a permeable dam of 15 meters in height,of which the permeability is greater. 该工艺的要点是应用渗透系数很大的粗粒堆浸尾渣 ,堆筑成高 15m的透水坝 ;
- The main heap leach process improvements,as compared to the original plant design,as well as the main dump leach operating parameters are discussed in this paper. 本文详述了矿石堆浸工艺较之原工厂设计所做的主要改进以及主要的废石堆浸操作参数。
- This test greatly improved the soaked ability of ore heap by perfecting granulating and heap leaching conditions, and using the dripping leaching technique, fina. 试验通过优化制粒堆浸条件、应用滴淋布液技术等,大大地提高了矿堆浸透性能,最终获得了较满意的选别指标。
- The units which are used for extracting uranium from the lixivium of in situ leaching(or heap leaching) are all the packed bed with ion exchange of high efficiency. 地(堆)浸浸出液一般为清液,用离子交换法从地(堆)浸浸出液中提取铀,其装置均属于适宜处理清液中铀的离子交换效率高的密实床。
- In this paper,development and application of solvent extraction electrowinning equipment in heap leaching factory of Dexing Copper Mine were introduced brifely. 简要介绍了德兴铜矿堆浸厂的萃取电积设备的研制与应用情况。
- Gold can be extracted by means of tank leaching, heap leaching and cyaniding, less capital and more quickly effective, realizing returns on an investment in just one year. 可采用就地产金方案(池浸、堆浸氰化提金工艺),投资少、见效快,当年投资当年还本,投资利润率高,具备开发利用的可行条件。
- The technology of gold recovery by direct electrowinning from cyanide heap leach liquor has many advantages such as short flowsheet, less equipment required and less capital investment. 从堆浸氰化液中直接电积提金是一种流程短、备少、资省的工艺,已进行过不少的研究。
- In order to recover the valuable metals from the ore in an economic and effective way, an experimental study was carried out on a new heap leaching process based on acidified granulation. 为经济有效地回收这种矿石中的有价金属,进行了酸化制粒堆浸新工艺的试验研究。
- This paper introduces the resources status of gold ore of gossen type in china and describes in detail heap leaching,all-slime cyanidation,resin-in-pulp method and several new technologies. 本文介绍了我国褐铁矿型金矿的资源情况,并详细地叙述了堆浸、全泥氰化法、树脂矿浆法及几种新技术。
- The construction characteristic of biomembrane oxidizing tank and specialty of packing material used in the process of bacterial heap leaching of uranium ore are introduced in this paper. 介绍了铀矿细菌堆浸的生物接触氧化槽的结构特点和填料特性,总结了生物接触氧化槽系统设计计算方法,鼓风曝气系统配置原则和运行管理措施。
- The technology of gold recovery by direct electrowinning from cyanide heap leach liquor has many advantages such as short flowsheet,less equipment required and less capital investment. 从堆浸氰化液中直接电积提金是一种流程短、设备少、投资省的工艺,已进行过不少的研究。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。
- Heaping leaching for gold extracting is widely used in the gold enterprises because of its notable characteristics. 堆浸法提金由于其显著的特点而广泛应用于黄金生产企业。
- On Some Problems of Heap Leaching of Gold Ores 金矿堆浸生产中几个问题的探讨