- The children were in a high pitch of excitement. 孩子们高度兴奋。
- Influence of friction wear of plasma arc hardening pitch of scan 等离子弧淬火条纹宽度对摩擦磨损性能的影响
- The pitch of a voice or other sound. 声高嗓音或其他声音的音高
- At the first time of scanning it was 6 cm. 第一次照的时候就是6公分。
- He was wound up to a high pitch of excitement. 他极为兴奋。
- On the very first pitch of the game,he got a hit. 在比赛一开始所投出的第一球,他就击出安打。
- Visit our Gallery of scan samples. 请访问我们的扫描案例部分。
- Cry out at the utmost pitch of one's voice. 尽量地大声叫。
- On the very first pitch of the game, he got a hit. 在比赛一开始所投出的第一球,他就击出安打。
- The pitch of a siren is usually sharp. 警报器的声音总是很尖利。
- The particular or relative pitch of a word,phrase,or sentence. 音调某个单词、词组或句子的特定或相对调
- pitch of scanning 扫描行宽
- The speech inflamed the crowd to a high pitch of fury. 演讲使群情异常激愤。
- Raising the pitch of the voice at the end of a restatement. 在复述结束时提高声音。
- The photo-electric reader is capable of scanning characters at the rate of two thousand a second. 光电阅读器每秒钟能扫描两千字。
- Number of scans by system queries. 通过系统查询执行的扫描次数。
- Scan chain reordering changes the order of scan cells. 扫描链重排技术即改变扫描正反器之排列顺序。
- Number of scans by user queries. 通过用户查询执行的扫描次数。
- On the very first pitch of the game,he got a safety hit. 比赛一开始投出的第一球,他就击出安打。
- The scan defense module can avoid attacks of scanning by a demo process. 扫描防御模块主要是通过HOOK一个网络扫描防御Demo进程到协议栈中来监控是否有扫描发生。