- Still many pirate attacks go unreported each year. 每年仍有多起海盗袭击未被披露。
- Still, many pirate attacks go unreported each year. 在2003年,全球播报了445名海盗的攻击,导致16人死亡。
- The pirate attack occurred about 285 nautical miles southeast of the Somali capital of Mogadishu, the officials said. 海盗袭击事件发生大约在索马里首都摩加迪沙往东南方285海里;官员说.
- Local residents, dressed as Viking warriors, have been representing the pirate attack on the village since 1960. 从1960年开始,当地居民开始装扮成维京海盗的样子,重现当年海盗入侵小镇的场景。
- The U. S. Navy is warning ships to stay away from the coast of Somalia after a series of pirate attacks there. 美国海军警告有关船只避免前往索马里沿海地区,在此之前那里发生了一系列海盗袭击事件。
- The U.S. Navy is warning ships to stay away from the coast of Somalia after a series of pirate attacks there. 美国海军警告有关船只避免前往索马里沿海地区,在此之前那里发生了一系列海盗袭击事件。
- Three Chinese naval ships have set sail for waters off Somalia to protect Chinese vessels from pirate attacks. 三艘中国海军舰艇已经启航驶往索马里海域,保护中国船只免遭海盗袭击。
- The mission includes international patrols to try and stop pirate attacks in one of the world's busiest sea lanes. 计划包括国际巡逻,试图阻止海盗在这个世界上最繁忙的海上航道之一发动袭击。
- There were at least 50 recorded pirate attacks in it last year; some go unreported after ransoms have been paid. 去年,记录在案的海盗袭击事件至少有50起,部分船只在支付赎金后未有报料。
- Everyone is at attention at their stations with live ammunitions in order to prevent pirate attacks. 为了防止海匪的袭击,每个人都荷枪实弹,严阵以待。
- Pirate Attack on Luxury Cruise Liner 海盗袭击豪华游船
- Dozens of pirate attacks have occurred off the east coast of Somalia since March, according to the International Maritime Bureau. 许多海盗袭击事件自从三月以来(已经)发生在离索马里的东海岸不远;根据国际海事局.
- The increase in pirate attacks is occurring at a time when the shipping industry is showing vulnerabilities in its financial health. 海盗袭击事件的持续增长出现在航运业日益显示出其财务状况脆弱性的时候。
- He says some of the pirate attacks in southern Somalia can be attributed to frustration over the selling of illegal fishing permits by factional leaders. 他说索马里南部有些海盗袭击源于对财政官员非法出售渔业许可证的不满。
- According to some experts, some of the same boats used for pirate attacks are used to carry refugees and economic migrants from Somalia to Yemen, and many return carrying arms. 据一些专家认为,用于海盗袭击的船只与一些被用来由自索马里向也门运送难民和经济移民的船只是相同的,许多船只返回时携带了武器。
- For a long period of time, particularly over the past year, the Aden Gulf and seas off the Somali coast have witnessed rampant pirate attacks with many vessels hijacked. 相当长一段时间以来,特别是今年以来,在亚丁湾、索马里海域频繁发生海盗袭击、劫持过往船只事件。
- Their efforts in thwarting pirate attacks have been credited with significantly reducing the number of successful pirate boardings there for the first three months of this year. 他们的努力挫败了许多海盗袭击,大幅度减少了今年头3个月海盗成功登船劫持的数量。
- It has been spurred into wider action by the escalation of pirate attacks on merchant ships, including Chinese vessels, plying the shipping route linking Asia and Europe. 由于海盗集团持续不断的扩大了抢劫目标的范围,严重的影响了亚欧海上航线的安全,中国政府被迫做出了反应。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。