- There are five basic modes of transportation.They are water transport, air transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport. 基本运输方式有5种;它们是水陆运输;铁路运输;汽车运输;航空运输和管道运输.
- There are five basic modes of transportation. They are water transport, rail transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport. 基本运输方式有五种,他们是水陆运输、铁路运输、汽车运输、航空运输和管道运输。
- The extensive research on gas hydrate started at the moment when people were encountered the problem of plugging, which was resulted from gas hydrate in the pipeline transport of natural gas. 摘要人们对气体水合物的实质性研究始于对天然气管道运输中遇到的天然气水合物堵塞问题。
- In order to make the exploited wellhead natural gas meet the pipeline transport standard, dehydration is a necessary processing job, but the traditional dehydration processes own lots of shortcomings. 为了使开采的井口天然气达到管输标准,脱水是必不可少的处理工作,但传统的脱水工艺弊病很多,膜法脱水是新引进的技术,具有巨大的发展潜力。
- Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Test procedures for mechanical connectors. 石油和天然气工业。管道运输系统。机械连接件的试验规程。
- Preliminary study is made of the major aspocts involved in pipeline transportation of CWM. 文中对水煤浆管道输送涉及到的几个方面进行了初步研究。
- It inquires into the domain of application,publicity and tactics of the metallic thermo spray in pipeline transportation. 探讨了金属热喷涂防腐技术在管道运输业的应用领域及推广应用的策略。
- It focuses on the pipeline transportation devices and combines the integrative system of the pretreatment and disposal for MSS. 城市污泥管道输送技术是以管道输送设备为核心,融合城市污泥的预处理和处置工艺的集成化系统。
- It has a theoretical significance for studying the intermixing of batch pipeline transportation in hypsographic area in West China. 研究结果对于研究我国西部地形复杂地区的顺序输送管道混油问题具有理论指导意义。
- It has a theoretical significance for studying the intermixing of batch pipeline transportation in hypsographic area ... 研究结果对于研究我国西部地形复杂地区的顺序输送管道混油问题具有理论指导意义。
- It has a theoretical significance for studying the intermixing of batch pipeline transportation in hypsographic area in We... 研究结果对于研究我国西部地形复杂地区的顺序输送管道混油问题具有理论指导意义。
- The method of frozen is in general used for pipeline transporting easily condensable medium, blockage method is for small hole leakage on pipeline. 对管道内易燃物的清除,可采用位差空油、用水置换油、气体扫线和吸管排油等方法。
- This paper introduces the results of using pour point depressants(PPDs) for crude oil in long distance pipeline transportation in China. 我国已有多条原油长输管线应用降凝剂,革新了老管线传统的输油工艺和新管线传统的投产工艺,并取得了巨大的经济效益。
- During pipeline transportation, depressant-treated crude oil is inevitably influenced by the shear action from pumps and pipes. 在管输过程中,添加降凝剂的原油必然受到泵剪切和管流剪切作用。
- Converter sludge pipeline transport 转炉泥管道输送
- Transport technology of rich gas can simplify the ground processing equipments and enhanced efficiency of pipeline transportation to decrease the cost of exploitation and transportation. 采用天然气富气输送工艺可大大简化开发现场的处理设施并提高管输效率,从而降低开发与输送成本。
- This paper introduces the transport technology of MSS.It focuses on the pipeline transportation devices and combines the integrative system of the pretreatment and disposal for MSS. 城市污泥管道输送技术是以管道输送设备为核心,融合城市污泥的预处理和处置工艺的集成化系统。
- The goods have been cased up for transport. 货物已装箱待运。
- Two factors impact the economic profits of pipeline transportation enterpr ises, one is the income of pipeline transportation,the other is the cost of pipeline transportation. 影响管道运输企业经济效益的因素有两个,即管输收入和管输成本。
- In long distance pipeline transportation with depressant at atmospheric temperature, depressant crude oil is subjected to long terms of pipeline flow shear inevitably. 在长距离的加剂常温输送管道中,加剂原油必然经受长时间的管流剪切。