- With rapid development in oil and gas industry,there are more and more pipeline construction projects in China. 随着我国石油天然气工业的迅速发展,油气管道工程的建设日益增多。
- It is very important to control the geotechnical conditions for pipeline construction in the loess area. 对黄土地区输油(气)管道建设的岩土工程问题进行了研究。
- The China Oil and Natural Gas Corp. alone has four pipeline construction teams, two specialized design institutes and more than 9,000 builders. 目前,仅中国石油天然气集团公司就拥有4支专业管道施工队伍,两个专业设计院,9000多名建设者;
- There are considerable difficulties in pipe stringing pipe aligning and pipe stabilizing for pipeline construction in mountainous steep slop area. 山区长输管道陡坡地段的施工,主要在布管、窜管、稳管方面存在较大难度,需采取特殊措施才能保证安全高效施工。
- Material supply directly affects the speed and quality of pipeline construction project and the long, safe and stable operation of pipeline. 物资供应工作直接影响到管道建设项目的进度和质量,影响到管道的长期、安全和平稳运行。
- The key issue to maximize construction project profits for pipeline construction enterprises is to implement project management and enhance cost control. 摘要管道施工企业推行工程项目管理、加强成本控制是实现施工项目利润最大化的关键。
- The main business of Company covers onshore and offshore pipeline construction, shield tunneling, long-distance pipe-jacking, pre-commissioning and etc. 公司主营业务为各类介质的陆上与海洋管道施工,隧道盾构与长距离顶管,管线预投产施工等。
- First, it could be a taking meant to solve the collective action problems introduced by necessary public projects such as highway or oil pipeline construction. 首先,该征用可能是旨在解决诸如因必要的高速公路或石油管道铺设工程而引起的集团诉讼问题。
- Zhicheng in Beijing in Beijing participated in the Beijing Metro to create, airport construction, road construction, emergency, gas pipeline construction projects. 志成在北京在北京参与了北京地铁创建,机场建设,道路施工,抢险,燃气管道的施工等项目。
- CNPC has a strong desire to cooperate with oil pipeline construction companies and to explore the cooperation opportunities to develop oil and gas fields. 中石油在发展中,迫切希望与输油管道建造公司、与国外企业的天然气资源合作开发和进行国外石油勘探公司进行气田勘探方面的合作。
- Since there is a great investment demand for oil &gas pipeline construction in China,how to ensure the efficient construction fund supply is becoming a serious problem. 我国油气管道建设存在着巨大的投资需求,如何保证建设资金的有效供给成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。
- Reckless pipeline construction slashes through forest ecosystems and destroys pristine wild salmon spawning streams and tributaries in its path. (Rights free photographs available upon request. 该管线建设不计后果,大肆砍伐穿越地的森林,并严重破坏原始的野生大马哈鱼产卵地及其附属支流的生境。
- The central authorities decided to open the pipeline construction and operation and urban pipeline construction and renovation to overseas investors and partners. The opening strategy has provided reliable guarantee for the smooth process of the project. 中央决定西气东输工程包括管道建设经营和城市管网建设改造,全线对外开放,全面对外合作,这一开放战略更为西气东输工程的顺利实施提供了坚实的保证。
- In pipeline construction, traditional explosive trenching method has been applied in stonework section.Caterpillar rock trencher will play an important role in practical pipeline laying process. 在管道施工建设中,对石方段的管沟开挖一直采用传统的爆破成沟的施工方法,而履带式岩石开沟机在管道敷设的实际应用中可以发挥重要作用。
- As the industry puts more and more focus on developing and utilizing oil and gas resources in the paramos and permafrost zone, pipeline construction in the areas will be definitely accelerated. 摘要随着开发和利用高寒及多年冻土区油气资源的热潮来临,多年冻土区管道建设的步伐必将加快。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 最近他们铺设了一条地下管道。
- The Cruces Of Digital Pipeline Construction 管道施工数字化工作要点
- cleaner production in pipeline construction 管道清洁生产
- Fault Zone pipeline construction 断裂带管道建设