- pipe ice rink 人造滑冰场
- Head to your nearest ice rink for fun and fitness. 去附近最近的溜冰场享受这份欢乐和健美吧。
- The skaters whirled round the ice rink. 溜冰的人绕着冰场旋转。
- They have sole use of the ice rink because it's in their backyard. 溜冰场就建在他们的后院,所以他们有专属使用权。
- AST is the leading provider of energy saving professional ice rink solutions. AST公司是为职业冰场提供低耗能的高品质解决方案。
- In warm weather, people eat outdoors in McCormick Tribune Plaza and Ice Rink in Millennium park. In winter, skaters come out to enjoy the ice. 天气暖和时;人们在公园里的溜冰场外就餐.;到了冬天;溜冰者就尽情的滑冰
- "Everything is just an ice rink out there," said Sgt.Steve Selby with the sheriff's department in Rock County, Wis. 威斯康星州洛克县的巡警史迪夫.;塞比和县政府的有关人员说:“外简直面就是一个溜冰场”。
- We established our romantic relationship on the ice rink of Houhai, before that time we are good friends. 我们是在后海的冰场上确立的恋爱关系的,在这之前,我们是好朋友。
- As well as fabulous skiing the resort offers a cinema, bowling alley and an ice rink. 除了超棒的滑雪运动之外,这个娱乐场还有电影院、保龄球馆和溜冰场。
- AST-Beijing delivered the ice rink surface, dasher boards and ice resurfacing equipment. AST北京公司负责铺设管路、制冰,护栏安装和冰车提供。
- A game played on an ice rink by two opposing teams of 6 skaters each who try to knock a flat round puck into the opponents'goal with hockey sticks. 一种在溜冰场上的游戏通过彼此有六名溜冰者的两个队来尽力用球辊打击球。
- Usually it takes only 2-4 days to completely install an "Olympic size" 1,800 m2 AST "IceBox" ice rink, including dasher board and chiller installation. 仅仅在2至4天内就能完成1,800平方米冰场的安装,包括安装护栏和制冷主机。
- He produced the same three plays in Moscow, a performance in Russian that was then staged at the Edinburgh Festival in 1994 at what is normally an ice rink. 该片曾在莫斯科1994年举办的的爱丁堡国际艺术节上亮相,但票房极为冷清。
- Students proposed to provide more recreational facilities for their district, such as shopping arcade, cinema, ice rink, park and library. 同学希望学校附近设有更多娱乐设施,如商场、网吧、戏院、溜冰场、公园及图书馆等。
- In warm weather, people eat outdoors in the McCormick Tribune Plaza and Ice Rink in Millennium Park. In winter, skaters come out to enjoy the ice. 露天音乐厅是公园音乐节的举办地。在这能听到莎士比亚28岁创作的交响乐结尾段“朱丽叶.;凯撒”。
- On January 2, 15 people died when the snow-covered roof of an ice rink collapsed in the town of Bad Reichenhall, also in Bavaria. 报道说,1月2日,同样是在巴伐利亚州,靠近阿尔卑斯山的小城巴特赖兴哈尔的一家溜冰场发生顶棚坍塌事故,造成15人死亡,其中12名是儿童。
- Dehumidification system is necessary for ice rink operation.Preventing building condensation and ice rink fogging is also important. 摘要除湿系统是建构滑冰场工程必备之装置,避免结构物结露与冰面结雾。
- Ice Rink after a scientific approach to technology, the quality of pure ice, sliding for good, there are many good athletes here Ice broke the national and world records. 冰场经过科学的技术方法处理后,冰质纯净,滑度好,有许多冰上健儿在这里突破了全国和世界纪录。
- Frozen ponds and ice rinks become playgrounds for skating and hockey. 结了冰的池塘和溜冰场成了溜冰和冰上曲棍球的场地。
- The playing field in ice hockey; the rink. 溜冰场冰球的场地; 冰球场