- The Republicans are pinning their faith on their newly chosen leader to bring them victory in the next election. 共和党人完全信任新选出的领导人能在下届选举中为他们赢得胜利。
- pin their faith tovt. 把全部信心寄托于(完全信赖)
- Some pinned their faith on the emergence of a new national leader, others on a religious revival. 一些人相信会出现一个新的国家领导人,而另一些人则相信宗教复兴。
- They oughtn't to have pinned their faith on such a man. 他们本不该信赖这样一个人的。
- The people of the nation pledged their faith to the new king. 全国人民宣誓效忠于新国王。
- pinned their faith tov. 把全部信心寄托于(完全信赖)
- Some pinned their faith on the emergence of a new national leader,others on a religious revival. 一些人相信会出现一个新的国家领导人,而另一些人则相信宗教复兴。
- This caused them to waver in their faith. 这件事使他们的信仰动摇了。
- Some pinned their faith on the emergenceof a new national leader, others on a religious revival. 一些人相信会出现一个新的国家领导人,而另一些人则相信宗教复兴。
- They sacrificed their lives most willingly and remained unshaken in their faith to the very end. 他们完全心甘情愿地奉献自己的生命,直到最后一刻也未曾动摇自己的信念。
- The surge of media interest gives them a chance to explain their faith to a large audience; but campaign strategists now have an incentive to slander Mormonism. 媒体的强烈关注给了他们一个向广大听众解释他们信仰的机会;但是竞选策划者现在却有了诽谤摩门教的理由。
- I dreamt that suitors sought my hand,that knights upon bended kneeand with vows no maidens heart could withstand,they pledged their faith to me. 我梦见求婚者祈求我的,骑士们为之屈膝的手,并诉说着让少女们砰然心动的誓言,他们宣誓对我效忠。
- According to written records,large Buddhist temples would offer Laba rice porridge to the poor to show their faith to Buddha. 据有文字记载的记录,规模较大的寺庙一般会在腊八节向穷人提供腊八粥,以示他们对佛的忠诚和信任。
- Pray for Christians being imprisoned for their faith to be released, including children, and for their persecutors to be brought to justice. 祷告在狱中的信徒(包括孩子),他们的信心被释放,并且那些迫害者会面对公义的处置。
- According to written records, large Buddhist temples would offer Laba rice porridge to the poor to show their faith to Buddha. 在汉族聚居的地方,人们普遍信奉佛教,并相信佛教创始人释迦牟尼在一年中最后一个月的第八天,即腊月八日悟道成佛。
- Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith. 传教士到远方去传播其信仰。
- They were compelled to abjure their faith. 他们被迫发誓放弃自己的信仰。
- American Jews adapted their faith to American culture, but the paradigmatic embodiment of American culture, the motion picture, was from its early days shaped by a distinctly Jewish sensibility. 而来美国的犹太人,尽管为适应美国文化对自己的信仰做了一定的改变,但是电影,作为美国文化的范式体现,却从它诞生的初期起,就被一种确定无疑是犹太人的情感所塑造。
- All the soldiers must pin their armbands on. 所有的战士都必须佩戴袖章。
- The dog remained faithful to his master. 这条狗始终忠于它的主人。