- pilose antler capsule 鹿茸胶囊
- Ask urgently! ! ! Fresh pilose antler of sika deer! ! ! 急求!!!梅花鹿鲜鹿茸!!!
- What did honey of pilose antler bubble eat to have to use to the body? 鹿茸泡蜂蜜吃了对身体有什么用?
- This prescription includes precious tonic herbs such as pilose antler, ginseng, sea horse, isinglass, etc. 补肾的最好方法,一定要从补阴入手,但目前的诸多壮阳药中,却采用催情春药,壮火补阳,以求近救。
- Young pilose antler tablets are good for those who suffer from uneasiness of body and mind,malnutrition and amnesia. 鹿茸片对身心不顺,营养不良和健忘疲倦患者颇有疗效。
- Now we have plenty of spotted deer, pilose antler, pilose antler slice, pilose antler powder and we will sell chronically. 我们有大量鹿茸。鹿茸粉。鹿茸片出售。
- Forests and fruits are luxuriant and well-known .Ginseng ,pilose antler and natural medicinal materials are available for exportation . 供电服务:凡是电负荷较大或需单独设置变压器的永久或临时电力用户均可申请动力用电。
- Our company mainly engaged in ginseng, pilose antler, venison and other deer by-products, wholesale, retail, Recruitment distributors, agents. 本公司主要经营人参、鹿茸、鹿肉等鹿副产品,批发零售,诚招经销商、代理商。
- Definition: Pilose Antler is the young unossified hairy antler of male Cervus nippon Temminck or Cervus elaphus Linnaeus (Fam.Cervidae). 本品为鹿科动物梅花鹿 Cervus nippon Temminck 或马鹿 Cervus elaphus Linnaeus 的雄鹿未骨化密生茸毛的幼角。
- It is the effect that market of domestic pilose antler gets market of international pilose antler, the fluctuation of the price is very big. 一是国内鹿茸市场受国际鹿茸市场的影响,价格的波动性很大。
- If pilose antler, flix, carnivorous is tasted,this kind of product that raises child place to offer has a plenty of treatment product. 这类养孩所提供的产品有的是加工产品如鹿茸、毛皮、肉食品。
- "HuaLu Brand" pilose antler health-care juice is made of pilose antler, chinese date, wolfberry, seabuckthorn etc, with a traditional formular under scientific research. “华鹿”牌鹿茸养生汤主要以鹿茸、红枣、枸杞、沙棘等经传统配方科学研制而成,它富含人体所需的钙、多种维生素、氨基酸、人体易缺乏的微量元素、多肽蛋白等活性物。
- Objective:The effects of the alcohol extract of pilose antler( AEPA) on the mice model of the amounts of white blood cells decreasing induced by cyclophosphamide were studied. 目的:探讨鹿茸醇提物对由于环磷酰胺所致白细胞减少小鼠模型免疫功能的影响。方法:用鹿茸醇提物对该动物模型进行灌胃,然后测定该小鼠腹腔吞噬细胞的吞噬功能。
- Pilose antler, amber, 37 appropriate waiting for medicine grind first fine pink, reoccupy decoct agent or take medicine with water of warm boiled water. 鹿茸、琥珀、三七等药宜先研成细粉,再用煎剂或温开水冲服等。
- Ingredient: spirit distilled from cereal crop, pilose antler blood, Chinese wolfberry root, Chinese date, safflower, dried ginger, brown sugar and so on. 纯粮白酒,鹿茸酒、枸杞、大枣、红花、干姜、当归、赤砂糖等。
- Sika, red deer suffers foreign concussion in recent years, make our country sells suffocate suffocate from yield pilose antler and its goods, unfavorable and blind development. 梅花鹿、马鹿近年来受国外冲击,使我国自产的鹿茸及其制品销售受阻,不宜盲目发展。
- Of the special indigenous products of the region, ginseng, pilose antler and sable fur are considered "the three treasures of northeast China" or "the three treasures of Changbai". 其中,人参、鹿茸、貂皮被誉为“东北三宝”,亦称“长白三宝”。
- Famous agricultural products of provincial level: leadless limed eggs, Lv Guan brand pilose antler, loquat of Shufeng, shaddock of Duwei, seed of Job's tears of Longhua, Xianxi brand Tea etc. 省级农产品名牌:无铅松花皮蛋、绿冠牌姬松茸、书峰枇杷、度尾文旦柚、龙华薏米、仙溪牌茶叶等。
- Famous agricultural products of provincial level: leadless limed eggs, Lv Guan brand pilose antler, loquat of Shufeng, shaddock of Duwei, seed of Job's tears of Longhua, Xianxi brand Tea etc. 省级农产品名牌 :无铅松花皮蛋、绿冠牌姬松茸、书峰枇杷、度尾文旦柚、龙华薏米、仙溪牌茶叶等。
- Winter Solstice: Winter is a good season to take tonic.There is a traditional habit of taking ginseng, pilose antler and decoction paste during the days from the winter Solstice to the ninth nine-day. 冬至:冬令是进补的大好时机,传统习惯从冬至这一天开始服人参、鹿茸、膏滋,直至“九九”止。