- pila prootica 耳前柱
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Pila - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Pila 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Methods The intermediate hosts Achatina fulica and Pila gigas and the definitive host vole of A. 目的了解南安市广州管圆线虫媒介宿主密度及感染率。
- He has a large red crest on his helmet, and unlike a normal Legionnaire carries a large spear along with his gladius and pila. 这个单位的武器长度让使用者在近战中首先发动攻击,攻击防御都一样。
- Australia striker, Xie Ludi McDonald's Germany and Ivan Si Pila also on the list, we can see that this war Shizaibide for Australia. 澳大利亚锋线上,些路迪的麦克唐纳德和斯皮拉诺维奇也榜上有名,可以看出澳大利亚对于此战势在必得。
- Results Among the 6 species of snail samples, Angiostrongylus cantonensis was only found in Pila gigas and Babyloni areolata with the natural infection... 结论深圳市食用螺流通市场存在着广州管圆线虫的流行因素,中间宿主以福寿螺和东风螺为主。
- Methods Cought the Pila gigas and Philomycus bilineatus the patient ate before, checked up Angiostrongylus cantonensis, and infected the big white mouse. 捕捉患者发病前半生吃大瓶螺处的贝类及蛞蝓,检查广州管圆线虫幼虫;2。
- After the stunning 3:2 victory in Amstelveen last month against defending champion Colussi Sirio PERUGIA, the Polish girls from Farmutil Pila will show their skills in Amstelveen now. 在令人惊叹的3:2的胜利荷兰阿姆斯特尔芬上个月对卫冕冠军Colussi Sirio佩鲁贾,波兰女孩Farmutil皮拉将展示他们的技能现在在荷兰阿姆斯特尔芬。
- The content of this page is from the PILA port or PILA customs import and export company directory; 本页面内容主要是来自PILA港口或PILA海关的进出口公司目录;
- prootica 前耳骨
- Pila [医] 柱(如骨内的小梁)
- pila caudalis 后柱
- Pila concia 锥球螺
- Pila conica 球螺属
- pila coronaria 冠状柱
- pila cranialis 前柱
- pila longitudinalis 纵柱
- pila postotica 耳后柱
- pila prooctica 耳前柱
- pillar pila 脚, 柱