- pical tropopause 热带对流层顶
- Methods The nursing has intervented to the ty pical cases in many ways. 方法:对三年的典型病例,进行多方面的护理干预。
- Control of the Tropical Tropopause and Vertical Transport across It. 热带对流层顶控制及跨越它的垂直传输。
- Convective Impact on Temperatures Observed near the Tropical Tropopause. 对流对热带对流层顶附近观测到的温度的作用。
- The balance must be made up by heat transport through the tropopause. 必须通过对流层顶的热输送来建立平衡。
- Next comes the tropopause, which is the upper boundary of the troposphere. 其上是对流层顶,它是对流层的上部边界。
- As soon as the tropopause is reached, temperature stops decreasing with height. 一达到对流层,温度就停止随高度上升。
- Methods:By microscope,TLC and UV, we study the microsco pical features and physical and chemical characteristics of H.lupulus. 方法:采用常规制片的方法对忽布的组织构造、粉末特征进行鉴别研究。
- A Diagnostic Study of Jet Streaks: Kinematic Signatures and Relationship to Coherent Tropopause Disturbances. 急流爆发的诊断研究:动能特征及其雨对流层顶连续扰动的关系。
- Fluctuations of Cloud, Humidity, and Thermal Structure near the Tropical Tropopause. 热带对流层顶云、湿度和热结构的变化。
- English: 39. As soon as the tropopause is reached, temperature stops decreasing with height. 中文:一达到对流层,温度就停止随高度上升。
- Tropopause folding and cut-off low in mid-latitude were well studied in the past. 目前对中纬度地区对流层顶折叠和切断低压的研究是比较充分的。
- When cut-off low decayed, the tropopause ascends.At the same time, cold surge occurred in Taiwan. 此现象发生的频率为18.;98%25,尤其是发生在生命期九天以上的个案。
- Dynamics in the extratropical tropopause region: A case of transition between dynamically active and passive tracer advection? 温带对流层顶区的动力学:动力学活跃和不活跃示踪物平流之间转换的个例?
- As a rule, the temperature in the troposhere decreases steadily with increasing altitude until the tropopause is reached. 通常对流层温度直到对流层顶都是随高度增加而不断地减小的.
- Lance F. Bosart, 2003: Tropopause Floding, Upper-Level Frontogenesis, and Beyond. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 30, No.53, 13-47. 主要针对过去对高层锋生和对流层折叠作整理及回顾。
- The troposphere is the layer from the earth's surface to the tropopause, which is at 10-15 km altitude depending on latitude and time of year. (Mt. 对流层是从地表到对流层顶的界层,位于10-15千米海拔高度,这高度取决于纬度和每年的不同的时间。
- The lowest region of the atmosphere between the earth's surface and the tropopause, characterized by decreasing temperature with increasing altitude. 对流层位于地表及对流层顶的大气最低层;气温随高度的增加而降低
- Radiative forcing is defined as a change in average net radiation at the top of the troposphere tropopause due to a change in either solar or infrared radiation. 辐射力的定义是由于太阳或红外线辐射份量的转变而引致对流层顶部的平均辐射改变。
- Radiative forcing is defined as a change in average net radiation at the top of the troposphere (tropopause) due to a change in either solar or infrared radiation. 辐射力的定义是由于太阳或红外线辐射份量的转变而引致对流层顶部的平均辐射改变。