- A character string or a bit string considered as an entity. 作为一个实体的一组字符串或一组字位串。
- A corporation is treated by the law as an entity. 法人在法律上被视为一个实体。
- In computing and communications, a group of eight binary digits treated as an entity. 在计算技术和通信技术中,作为一个整体来处理的一组8个二进制数字。
- God with a big G has never visited this planet as an entity. 以大写G的上帝从来没有以实体形式拜访过这个行星。
- A group of individuals regarded as an entity; a corporation. 一群,团体一批视作整体的一群;社团
- pianwen as an entity 骈文之实
- In computing and communications,a group of eight binary digits treated as an entity. 在计算技术和通信技术中,作为一个整体来处理的一组8个二进制数字。见octal。
- New dynamic model is created by dynamically cou- pling the cannon and the whole gun as an entity. 把自动机与全炮动态耦合为一体,尝试建立了新的力学模型;
- In his book, Natanson wonders whether it still makes sense to speak of the left as an entity opposed to the the right. 在他的书里,纳塔松对关于左翼是右翼的反对实体这一说法进行了探讨。
- The highest knowledge is unutterable, for it exists as an entity in lanes which transcend all material words or symbols. 最高的知识不是语言所能够表达的(不可说的),因为它超越了一切物质的字句或符号。
- A string of records,a string of words,or a character string formed for technical or logic reasons to be treated as an entity. 由于技术或逻辑上的原因,作为一个整体来处理的一串记录、一串字或一个字符串。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- Islam presents God not as an anthropomorphic being but as an entity beyond human comprehension, transcendent of man, independant and undivided. 伊斯兰所描述的上帝不是一个拟人化的存在,而是一个超乎人类的理解、超越于人类之上的、独立不可分割的存在。
- As to an entity,a conceptualizer can have equivalent one in his mind.Meanwhile,as an entity a conceptualizer himself can form a relevant target. 不仅处理者所处理的实体可以在处理者的头脑中形成对应的心理实体,处理者本身作为一个实体也会在他的头脑中形成相应的对象。
- The beauty of environment as an entity is quite different from that of art, and the nature of the beauty is to foster a sense of homeliness on the part of human beings. 环境美作为自然与人共同创造的产物,具有生态性和文明性。环境作为现实的客观存在,它的美与艺术美有重要区别,它具有真实性、生活性、宜人性。
- It is not easy to get a foothold as an anchorman. 一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- A string of records, a string of words, or a character string formed for technical or logic reasons to be treated as an entity. 由于技术或逻辑上的原因,作为一个整体来处理的一串记录、一串字或一个字符串。
- He began his career as an apprentice. 他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。
- Positivism views reality as an entity that exists and can be measured in the sense that we are able to make context-free generalizations about it. 换句话说,研究者承受到一个现实在那里的存在或者现实人类识别的一个产品?