- Pilot study on quantity risk of phytoparasitic nematodes brought in by imported lily corm 进口百合种球携入植物线虫数量风险初探
- phytoparasitic nematodes 植物线虫
- The branch of zoology that deals with nematodes. 线虫学研究线虫的动物学分支
- Many nematodes occur in the tissues of earthorms. 蚯蚓组织中有许多种线虫。
- Hookworms, pinworms, and eelworms are nematodes. 钩虫、蛲虫和小线虫亦为线虫。
- A substance or preparation used to kill nematodes. 线虫杀虫剂用来杀死线虫的物质或制剂
- Viruses are transmitted by VECTORS such as aphids and nematodes. 一些病毒感染后植物体将产生明显症状,如:叶片出现色斑或生长畸形。
- Fig.6: Garlic roots infected by rice root-knot nematodes. 图六、感染水稻根瘤线虫之大蒜根系。
- Plant-parasitic nematodes cause heavy yield losses in many crops . 在许多农作物中,植物寄生线虫引起重大损失。
- The damage of plant parasitic nematodes to soybeans is generally unrecognized. 植物寄生线虫对大豆的危害还未受到普遍重视。
- Among parasites, protozoa are usually more pathogenic than nematodes. 在寄生虫中,原虫的致病性往往比线虫的要高。
- Bait with 40000 nematodes per plant killed 68.53%of black cutworm on average. 毒饵法(线虫剂量为40000条.;株-1)防治小地老虎的田间平均防治效果可达68
- There are 14 protozoa. 9 tapeworms,12 trematodes,51 nematodes,7 insects. 其中原虫14种;吸虫9种;绦虫12种;线虫51种;蜘蛛昆虫7种.
- The sensory organ nematodes are mainly distributed in the head and tail ends. 线虫的感觉器官主要分布在头部及尾部两端。
- Nematodes are the definitive organic and pesticide free answer to grub problems you may have in your lawn or garden. 描述:线虫类是确定的有机的并且对农药免疫的导致你的草坪或公园问题的原因。
- In many cases, plants infected with nematodes are more susceptible to other pests and disease. 在许多情况下,感染虫的植株更易感染其它虫害和病害。
- Most mulches do not reduce other pests, such as soilborne pathogens, insects, and nematodes. 大多数塑料薄膜不能减少其它害虫如土著病原体、昆虫和线虫。
- The quantities of nematodes in laboratory experiment have a descending trend of CFS>NFS>OS. 室内实验线虫数量顺序是NFS>OS>CFS。
- The mortality of nematodes tested in area of CMA without red pigment is only 10-20%. 在不产色素的CMA上仅有10%25-20%25的线虫死亡。
- Title: Description of a New Species of Root-knot Nematodes, Meloidogyne dimocarpus n.sp. 关键词:龙眼根结线虫;根结线虫属;新种;龙眼