- The article introduced the physical chemical properties of the polyglycerol. 介绍了聚合甘油的物理化学性质。
- Based on a series of experiments ,a satisfactory physic chemical method was selected for clarification of crude sulphate turpentine. 对粗硫酸盐松节油的净化方法加以探讨,总结出较为理想的化学-物理净化法。
- Conclusion There were relationship between the physical chemical character and the lag time of PRT. 结论:脉冲控释片的理化性质与其脉冲释药机理有一定相关性。
- The monitoring carded out at each ECN site covers a range of physical chemical and biological measurements. 在每一个环境变化网络地区进行的监控都包括一定范围的物理、化学及生物测量。
- The research progress of physical chemical properties,production and application of xylo oligosaccharide is introduced in this article. 文章着重介绍了低聚木糖的理化特性、生产以及应用等方面的国内外研究进展,并简要介绍了课题组的一些研究工作进展。
- It has been preliminary studied by analysed the changes of physical chemical condition of auriferous fluid caused by hydrothermal boiling. 仅从热液沸腾造成含金热液物理化学条件改变的角度对这一关系进行初步探讨。
- Correlation analysis among metallic elements and part of physical chemical parameters showed their relatively interdependency. 对金属元素及部分理化参数的相关分析表明其间的相关性较显著。
- Keywords Fish oil;chemical refining;overdegum;Physical refining;EPA;DHA.; 鱼油;化学精炼;超级脱胶;物理精炼;EPA;DHA;
- Surface physical chemical properties of tissue-engineered materials are greatly important for histocompatibility of the materials. 组织工程材料的表面物理化学性质对材料的组织相容性有着重要影响。
- The investigations focus on physical chemical methods of improving the stability and discharge performance of super-iron battery with cathode of barium ferrate. 目前,提高高铁酸钡稳定性、改善以高铁酸钡为阴极材料的超铁电池放电性能为主要研究热点问题。
- Keywords FCC LCO;chemical refining;stability;economic benefits; 催化裂化柴油;化学精制;安定性;经济效益;
- We abstracted chlorophyll from spinash using acetone as the extractive agent, and seperated the extract with chromatography column.We studied the physical chemical property of chlorophyll. 本实验采用丙酮为提取剂从菠菜中提取叶绿素,将提取液用层析柱进行分离,并对所提取的叶绿素进行理化性质研究。
- Silicones have been used succesfully to protect buidings against moisture and consequent physical chemical and biological deterioration.The properties of silicomes were introduced in this article. 硅酮树脂涂料覆盖层能有效保护混凝土设施,以及抵抗物理,化学和微生物的破坏作用。本文对硅酮树脂,水性的砖石防水硅酮的性能进行了介绍。
- The analysis of tea seeds oil in our country was different,the compare of physical chemical and functional properties of tea seeds oil and other oil plants were introduced in the paper. 茶叶籽油作为一种新兴的油脂,一直没有得到人们广泛的认识和重视,而我国茶叶籽油的分析也有出入。
- Abstract After bakeout under high temperature,heat expansion coefficient of sand can be decreased,gas released in high temperature is removed,physical chemical property of sand surface is modified. 原砂高温焙烧后可降低硅砂的热膨胀率,排除硅砂高温分解的气体,改变砂粒表面的理化性能。
- Keywords soft coulumn deodorization system;filling packed deo do rization tower;disc deodorization tower;vacuum heater;vacuum economizer;chemical refining;physical refining; 软塔脱臭系统;填料塔;塔式盘;真空加热器;真空节能器;化学精炼;物理精炼;
- Xanthan gum is not a gelation polysaccharide.It has good physics chemical and immune characteristics.At the same time, Xanthan gum has the strength application. 黄原胶是非凝胶多糖,它具有优良的理化特性和免疫学特性,同时还有增效作用。
- Relating to both physical and chemical properties. 物理和化学的与物理和化学特性均有关的
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。