- We should prevent the occurrence of physical violence. 我们应当防止暴力的发生。
- The physical violence can lead to a vicious circle of conflict. 暴力会导致冲突的恶性循环。
- Maybe there’s a scariness, but there’s no physical violence. 也许确实是恐怖了,但是不会有太过粗暴的打斗。
- Physical violence would be impossible without deep unconsciousness. 身体暴力只有在出现深度无意识后才可能出现。
- We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. 我们不能容许我们富有创造性的抗议沦为暴力行动。
- The Chilean revolution would be forced to abandon the democratic road and embrace physical violence as an instrument. 智利革命就将被迫放弃民主道路而采取暴力手段。
- The police tended only to be informed when there was physical violence involved. 警察往往只知道当时参与殴打。
- Under their vigilance, the prisons are relatively safe and secure, and serious physical violence is a rare occurrence. 他们夙夜匪懈,使监狱相较其他地区来得安全而保安严密,罕有严重暴力事件发生。
- Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. 非暴力不仅意味着要避免肢体暴力还意味着要避免思想内部的暴力。
- Now if someone threatened you with fire or with physical violence, you might experience something like fear. 现在,如果有人用火或身体暴力威胁你,你也许体会到某种恐惧的东西。
- So,you're saying threats of physical violence will yeild additional information? 于是,你是说肢体暴力的威胁会换来额外的消息喽?
- We must not allow our creative protest to degen Slave rate into physical violence. 我们不能容许我们富有创造性的抗议沦为暴力行动。
- "The meaning of 'Barbie' went beyond an expressed antipathy; actual physical violence and torture towards the doll was repeatedly reported." She said. 她说,“芭比所遭受的已经不仅仅是孩子们的反感了,暴力和‘酷刑’对于这个娃娃来说已是家常便饭。
- Zeke, a rough-looking outdoorsman, convinces Steve with a little physical violence to leave Susan alone, but Steve doesn't go far. 公寓管理员可可把她带到鲁丝的房间,留下她在那里独自等候外出未归的鲁丝。
- He became unpleased by her continuous request, and in the cab on their way home, he started intimidating her by using physical violence. 在返家的计程车上,他开始对她拳打脚踢威吓她。惊恐不已的她便打电话给婆婆求救,但她的婆婆并没办法赶去帮忙。
- The second type of position is an 'enforcer' , which means using physical violence and intimidation to help the 'Family' carry out its policies. 第二类职位是“干事”,它的意思是使用人身攻击和威胁手段来帮助“家族”执行其策略。
- Mirosiichenko said his company would not employ debt collectors to get its money back if people refused to repay, and promised no physical violence. 米洛史肯寇表示,如果有人拒绝还钱,公司不会雇用讨债人士去追讨款项,他也保证不会有肢体暴力发生。
- Not only illegal, but also legal prostitution may be connected with various forms of criminality, from tax evasion to pimping, drug use and physical violence. 不仅非法卖淫,而且合法卖淫也可能与各式各样的犯罪活动相联系,从逃税到拉皮条,从吸毒到人身暴力等等。
- Thus power covers all social relationships which serve that end, from physical violence to the most subtle psychological ties by which one mind controls another. 因此,权力覆盖了所有出于此目的的社会关系,从身体的伤害到最敏感的以思想为控制对象的精神联系。
- Mercifully,this kind of maniacal violence is still comparatively rare in pubs. But there's no denying that there has been a steady increase in physical violence during recent years. 好在这种疯狂的暴力相对在酒吧还比较少,但是不容否认的是最近几年暴力行为呈稳步上升的态势。