- Physical security of the workstation and the user. 工作站和用户的物理安全性。
- Level 2: Tamper evident physical security or pick resistant locks. 级别2:防窃启物理安全性或防撬锁。
- Does the company regularly review the physical security of the store? 公司是否定期检讨货仓的保安?
- Examining the insides of new voting machines still reveals many physical security faults. 检视新投票机的内部,还是会发现许多实体上的安全缺陷。
- The factory has adequate physical security and barriers to guard against unauthorized access. 工厂是否有足够的实体安全及屏障来阻止未经授权的进出?
- Constraints on resources, such as: hardware, personnel, space for storing backup media, the physical security of the stored media, and so on. 对资源的约束,例如硬件、人员、存储备份媒体的空间以及存储媒体的物理安全性等。
- Level 1: No physical security mechanisms are required in the module beyond the requirement for production-grade equipment. 级别1:除生产级别设备的要求外,模块中不需要其他物理安全机制。
- However, the characteristic of mobile ad hoc networks are more prone to physical security threats than the wired network environments. 然而,因为随意网路的特性,相较于有线网路,无线网路更容易遭受到安全性的威胁。
- This kind of scenario is invoked by doom-mongers who insist that stepping up physical security since the September 11th attacks is not enough. 这种情景是那些散布恐怖威胁论的人描绘的场景。他们坚持认为911袭击之后仅采取实体安全措施是不够的。
- Obvious physical security methods such as locks on doors, cables, locked cabinets, and video surveillance are all good ideas, but beyond the scope of this document. 很显然,物理保护方法,例如给门,电缆上锁,将设备锁在柜子里,视频监控都是不错的办法,但是这些超出了本文的范围。
- "Security," however, is often used as a catch-all phrase that includes several individual components: physical security, authentication, and authorization. 然而,“安全性”通常在所有的阶段都需要使用,它包括几个单独的组件:物理安全性、身份验证和授权。
- Level 4: Physical security provides an envelope of protection around the cryptographic module and protects against fluctuations in the production environment. 级别4:物理安全性在加密模块周围提供一层额外安全保护,并可根据生产环境中的波动提供安全保护。
- By 2008, it said, every state would have to make sure its licences included “physical security features” and “a common machine readable technology”. 该法案要求,到2008年,每个州都必须确保该州发放的执照包含“生物安全特征”以及“一种可被普通机器读取的技术”。
- This food-water-energy “trilemma” will threaten physical security and disrupt economic and social stability, which is the very foundation of the Communist Party’s authority. 食物,水和能源的三重矛盾危及人民的人身安全,阻碍经济发展,破坏社会稳定,而这些因素都是中国共产党执政的基础。
- The Taliban gains support as a direct result of the central government's failure to provide a minimal level of physical security, especially in Pashtun areas. 塔利班获得支持的直接原因是中央政府没能给百姓提供最基本的安全环境,尤其是在普什图地区。
- Back up data often and keep your backups physically secure. 经常备份数据,并将备份存放在安全的场所。
- An INFOSEC professional must have knowledge of the breadth of information technology and more (i.e. physical security, business continuity and legal matters). 一个INFOSEC专业人员必须有很宽的信息技术和更多知识(就是物理安全,业务连续性和法律事务)的视野。
- The Cox Committee Report and the Rudman FIAB Report both made a number of recommendations, all of which were oriented towards improving physical security and reorganization of the DOE management structure. ?考克斯委员会报告和鲁德曼的总统外国情报咨询委员会报告都提出了数项动议,所有这些动议都致力于改善具体安全和重组能源部的管理结构。
- The Cox Committee Report and the Rudman FIAB Report both made a number of recommendations,all of which were oriented towards improving physical security and reorganization of the DOE management structure. ?考克斯委员会报告和鲁德曼的总统外国情报咨询委员会报告都提出了数项动议,所有这些动议都致力于改善具体安全和重组能源部的管理结构。
- You should pay attention to both the physical security of your mobile device and access control at the software level such as password protection, personal firewall settings and data encryption. 请留意摆放好你的流动设备,和启动所需的软件设定,例如加设密码、安装个人防火墙,及把有需要的数据加密,防止他人擅用你的资料。