- It's a finishing coat based on acrylic resin. Physically drying. 以丙烯酸树脂为基料而配制的面漆,属物理干燥型。
- It's a quick-drying, chlorinated rubber paint. Physically drying. 为快干氯化橡胶漆,属物理干燥型。
- It's a physical drying paint. 物理干燥型厚浆沥青漆。
- It's a finishing coat based on Chlorinated Rubber resin. Physically drying. 以氯化橡胶树脂为基料而配制的面漆,属物理干燥型。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- It's based on a blend of high quality coal tar and vinyl resin. Physically drying. 一种高质量焦油沥青和乙烯基树脂的混合物,属物理干燥型。
- It's based on modified chlorinated rubber resin. Physically drying, lead and chromate free. 由改性氯化橡胶树脂配制而成的。属物理干燥型。无铅和铬。
- His problem is mental, not physical. 他的问题是心理的而不是身体的。
- It is a quick-drying coating based on acrylic resin and plasticizer. Physically drying. 是一种以丙烯酸树脂、增塑剂为基料的快干涂料,属于物理干燥型。
- It is based on functional high molecular resin and thermoradiation materials by special technology. Physically drying. 由功能性高分子树脂与热辐射性材料经特殊工艺制成,属物理干燥型。
- It's a chlorinated rubber coating with aluminum flake pigment. Physically drying. 由铝粉颜料配制而成的氯化橡胶涂料,本品为物理干燥型。
- It is a quick-drying coating based on chlorinated rubber resin. Physically drying. 是一种以氯化橡胶树脂为基料的快干涂料,属物理干燥型。
- A person of the Nordic physical type. 有北欧人身型特征的人
- It's a perchloropoly vinyl coating with aluminum flake pigment. Physically drying. 由铝粉颜料配制而成的高氯化聚乙烯涂料,本品为物理干燥型。
- A physician who specializes in physical medicine. 理疗学家专攻物理治疗学的医生
- It's based on chlorinated plasticizer and Chlorinated Rubber resin. Physically drying. 由氯化橡胶及氯化增塑剂为基料配制而成,属物理干燥型。
- A thorough physical examination. 体格检查彻底的身体检查
- It's a physically drying bituminous paint giving a hard, tough film, water-resistant and rust-preventing coating. 物理干燥型沥青漆。具有漆膜坚韧、耐水和防锈等特点。
- Are men and women equals in physical strength? 在体力上男人和女人相同吗?