- physical distribution net 实体配送网
- The key selling point for such middleware is that it frees an application developer from all aspects of physical distribution. 这种中间件的关键卖点是,它使应用程序开发人员从物理分布的方方面面中解脱出来。
- Fibre Channel allows for physical distribution of storage across a business campus and beyond. 光纤通道允许存储实际分布到公司大院内外。
- The second part illustrates rea1izabIe methods of RAP of DRP and operatingprinciple and logic in the distribution net. 第二部分以实例说明了DRP倒排计划和在分销网络的运作原理的实现方法。
- Automatic sectionatizer is ideal auto-protecting equipments in distribution net automatization. 摘要自动分段器是实现配电网自动化较为理想的自动保护设备。
- The company baotou heli storage physical distribution equipment co., ltd. deals in Avoidance and also in stacker. 提供关于避免、避开以及堆垛机、装载机的信息。
- The low voltage distribution net orients to the vast low voltage customers that are in great number and disperse in a broadness load center. 低压配电网络面向广大的低压电力用户,具有数量多,覆盖面广等特点。
- In this article, the present situation of physical distribution of railage in stripping operation region is introduced. 介绍脱模作业区铁路运输物流现状,分析目前存在的具体问题,并就此提出了改进建议。
- The physical distribution cost is appraises the physical distribution activity with the amount the actual situation. 物流成本就是用金额评价物流活动的实际情况。
- Then to Dongsheng Corporation physical distribution allocation pattern choice research. 然后对东升公司物流配送模式选择研究。
- Physical distribution is common today. Even small cities and counties can receive goods on time. 现在货流已经很普及,小的市县也可以及时收到货物。
- We need to gradually adopt such organizational forms and service methods as commercial chains,physical distribution,the agency system and e-commerce. 我们要逐步推行连锁经营、物流配送、代理制、电子商务等组织形式和服务方式。
- HiPLE-ACE' s distinguishing qualities and preeminent packing designs lead to a significant reduction in total physical distribution costs. ACE 的特性和卓越包装的设计能大幅度降低储运成本。
- CUPET WORK PERFORMED: Technical assistance to construction of gas distribution net, gas installations, preparation of gas equipment racks, materials and welding of polietilene and copper tubes. CUPET所做工作:向气体分配网建设、气体装置、气体设备支架准备以及无毒聚乙烯管和铜管材料和焊接提供技术援助。
- Matching the requirements for physical distribution to the capabilities of candidate technologies is an important aspect of ESB design. 使物理分布需求与候选技术的功能相匹配是ESB设计的一个重要方面。
- Distribution substation is an important component part of distribution net; therefore, the automation degree of distribution substation can directly reflect the level of distribution automation. 配电变电站是配电网的重要组成部分,因此配电变电站的自动化程度的高低,直接反映了配电自动化的水平。
- We need to gradually adopt such organizational forms and service methods as commercial chains, physical distribution, the agency system and e-commerce. 逐步推行连锁经营、物流配送、代理制、电子商务等组织形式和服务方式。
- The Shenzhen gold Haier industry limited company is the specialized manufacturer for Physical distribution plastic modular containerization appliance. 深圳市金海尔实业有限公司是物流塑料单元化集装器具的专业制造商,为众多用户节省仓储空间、降低配送成本、提高配送效率、提升企业形象等方面,屡获广大用户一致好评。
- The reasonable reactive power compensation of distributing net can effectively maintain the voltage level, decrease the network loss and raise the transmission capacity. 摘要配电网合理的无功补偿,能够有效地维持系统的电压水平,降低有功网损,提高网路输送容量。
- E-commerce physical distribution has some new features, they are as follows: informanization, automation, network flexibility, commonness, ally. 电子商务的出现使物流配送呈现出一些新的特征,如信息化、自动化、网络化、柔性化、社会化、共同化。