- Physical control of the ball or puck by a player or team. 控球球员或球队对球或曲棍球的身体控制
- ChE are also helping to develop controlled release membranes for more effective drugs. 化学工程师们还正在努力开发一种可控缓释膜以有助于生产各种更有效的药物。
- Studies on application of controlled release fertilizer in nursery seedling production. 控释肥在苗木生产中的应用。
- Objective To prepare osmotic pump controlled release tablets of isosorbide mononitrate. 目的制备单硝酸异山梨酯渗透泵控释片。
- The physical control procedure of the quantum system with interaction is described in detail. 详细地描述了对具有相互作用的量子系统的物理控制过程。
- Implantable drug delivery systems (IDDS)are long term acting controlled release systems. 植入型给药系统适用于长期给药和靶向给药。
- Nicardipine hydrochloride transdermal controlled release patches with gel matrix were prepared. 制备盐酸尼卡地平的凝胶骨架控释贴剂。
- Recently, in drug controlled release system, polyelectrolyte complexes have been rewarded much attention. 近年来聚电解质复合物在药物控释领域受到重视。
- In this paper, the advance in the preparation process, intelligent controlled release mechanism and poten... 本文综述了近年来核壳结构聚合物微容器的制备方法、智能化控制释放机制及其潜在应用研究进展。
- The application of YW-3NB nanometre lamp to trap and kill the beet armywoum were studied, and its future extension as one of physical control method in IPM w ere discussed. 通过示范应用YW-3NB型纳米灯诱杀器,对大面积推广应用物理防治法控制甜菜夜蛾的危害以及完善有害生物综合防治技术进行了探讨。
- Objective To study the formula and technology of ambroxol hydrochloride osmotic pump controlled release tablets. 目的研究盐酸氨溴索渗透泵控释片的处方与工艺。
- To suppress the spread of the ragweed, there have been a lot of studies on their chemical control, physical control, plant displacement and biological control. 为抑制其种群蔓延,前人开展了化学防治、物理防治、植物替代和生物防治等对豚草的防控研究。
- By incorporating growth factors into polymer scaffolds,controlled release of them can be performed. 将生长因子负载于高分子材料支架上,可以实现对生长因子的控制释放。
- Methods:The release rate of ambroxol HCl osmotic pump controlled release tablets in various mediums was observed. 方法:考察渗透泵在不同介质中的释放情况。
- The struvite can be made as the controlled release fertilizer,which has good economic benefit. 作为缓释肥,具有良好的经济效益。
- Isosorbide dinitrate (1) pusatile controlled release (PCR) capsules were composed of rapid release and PCR pellets. 硝酸异山梨酯脉冲控释塞囊由速释微丸和脉冲控释微丸两部分组成。
- OBJECTIVE To prepare domiphen controlled release tablet, and to study the technique. 摘要目的:制备度米芬控释片,并对工艺条件进行考察。
- This is of great importance for our on-going study on controlled release of authentic insect semiochemicals. 文中亦对该体系中昆虫激素十二醇的释放机理作了初步讨论。
- The present paper reviews the advances of the control techniques of the termites, based on the detection and observation, physical control, chemical control, biological control and the application of termite pheromones. 文章从白蚁的探测和监测、理防治、学防治、物源物质防治和白蚁信息素的利用技术5个方面综述白蚁防治技术的最新研究进展。
- The controlled release formulation was deeloped to allow once-daily dosing and to improe tolerability. 开发托吡酯控释制剂,以便每日服药一次和改善耐受性。