- Brother's biggest physical characteristic was his two big beaver buckteeth. 老罔达面部的最突出特征,是他那对微微外凸的门牙。
- The physical characteristics, especially the surface features, of an area. 地形,地貌某一地区的自然特征,尤指地表特点
- Study on Physical Characteristics of LVL. 单板层积材物理性能特性的研究。
- The most perspicuous physical characteristic of the porosity of a soil or rock matrix is its continuity. 岩土格架的孔隙率的最清晰的物理特性是它的连续性。
- The arc physical characteristic of mixed gases (Ar+He+CO2) and its effects on weld shaping were discussed. 摘要采用钨极氩弧焊对不同比例氩-氦-二氧化碳混合气体的电弧物理特性及其焊缝成形进行了实验。
- The physical characteristics of the neutrino are remarkable. 中微子的物理特征非同寻常。
- Pass the physical characteristic with peculiar cork, bring you the family all the more comfortable effect. 通过软木特有的物理特征,带给您家庭格外的舒适效果。
- Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance. 身体的特征取决于基因遗传。
- CONFORMATION: The structure and physical characteristics of a dog. 构造:狗的结构和身体特性。
- Mannequin had the same physical characteristics as real human body. 人体模型与真实的生物人体具备相同的生理特征。
- After materials are grinded by STM Vertical Mill, their physical characteristic is changed and so their grindable characteristic is improved greatly. 经过STM立磨处理后的物料物理性质得到改变,物料的易磨性能显著提高。
- The latter indicates to acquire object"s image record by photogrammetry and remote sensing, and then distills geometrical and physical characteristic. 后者指利用摄影、遥感方式获取目标的影像记录,从中提取出几何和物理特性。
- After grinded by STM Vertical Mill, physical characteristic is changed and their grindable characteristic is improved greatly. 经过STM立磨处理后的物料物理性质得到改变,物料的易磨性能显著提高。
- Nowadays, the research of physical characteristic and postural change of virtual entity model in the simulation of war game is more and more. 在现阶段作战模拟仿真中,各种武器的虚拟实体模型的物理特性和状态变化的研究越来越多。
- Rapeseed peptides are some kinds of polypeptides, which are obtained by hydrolyzing rapeseed protein, and have some special chemical and physical characteristic and bioactivity. 摘要菜籽肽是由菜籽蛋白水解得到的一种多肽,具有独特的理化特性与生物学活性。
- The physical characteristics,especially the surface features,of an area. 地形,地貌某一地区的自然特征,尤指地表特点。
- The space distribution and physical characteristic of karst had supplied a basic prerequisite for karst prospecting with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). 摘要岩溶的空间分布和物性特徵为探地雷达技术进行岩溶地球物理探测提供了基本前提条件。
- Describes the dependent service configuration, not physical characteristics. 描述相关的服务配置,而不是物理特性。
- The science of using unique physical characteristics to establish identity. 使用唯一身体特征来建立身份的一门学科。
- A Study on Physical Characteristics of Porous Plates for Water Sublimator. 水升华器用多孔板的物理特性研究。