- 试比较strength,power,force,vigourCompare strength,power,force and vigour(US vigor).
- 试比较strength、 power、 force、 vigour.Compare strength, power, force and vigour .
- abbr. 体育(=Physical Education)P.E.
- physical foam= mechanical foam机械泡沫
- 试比较strength、 power、 force、 vigour(美式拼写作vigor).Compare strength, power, force and vigour (US vigor).
- 如前所述,您可以打开Physical Resource视图,来查看包含在SCA模块中的物理资源。You can open the Physical Resource view to see the physical resources contained in the SCA module, as previously discussed.
- green strength (型砂的)湿态强度
- [59]物理(physical)接口就是我们所说的“接口”,是由内核命名为eth0、eth1、ppp0或其他。[58] A physical interface is what we have been calling "the interface", the thing that the kernel names eth0, eth1, ppp0, or what have you.
- inch strength(帘布层的)英寸强度
- Brute-Force算法Brute-Force algorithm
- latching strength (车门)锁栓强度
- accouchement force强迫分娩
- 下列内容中,对于读者而言了解物理接口(physical interface)和逻辑接口(logical interface)之间的不同是重要的。In the following it will be important for the reader to understand the difference between a physical interface and a logical interface.
- proof strength(保证强度)允许强度
- =electromotive force.电动势e.m.f.
- three-day strength (混凝土的)三日强度
- force 和vigour指能量的应用.Force and vigour relate to the application of energy.
- full-strength weld (与母材等强)等强焊缝
- seating force (气门等的)座合压力
- 此外,将在调用sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats函数之前处理OBJECT_ID函数,因此会在当前数据库,而不是database_id中指定的数据库的上下文中对OBJECT_ID函数取值。Additionally, the OBJECT_ID function is processed before the sys. Dm_db_index_physical_stats function is called and is therefore evaluated in the context of the current database, not the database specified in database_id.