- He wore a mask so that no one should recognize him. 他戴了一个面罩,使别人认不出他来。
- He is working in his photographic studio. 他正在摄影室工作。
- He dug out a faded photograph and showed it to me. 他找出一张褪了色的照片拿给我看。
- The photograph was backed with cardboard. 照片背面衬上了一层纸板。
- Capable of masking or neutralizing odors. 可除臭的可以掩臭或中和臭气的
- I planned to enlarge this photograph. 我计划放大这张照片。
- Have you seen my photograph in the newspaper? 你看到我在报纸上的照片了吗?
- I'd like to enlarge a photograph. 我想放大一张照片。
- Sham is sham and the mask must be stripped off. 假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去。
- Stand still while I am taking your photograph. 我帮你拍照时站着不要动。
- He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile. 他试图以微笑来掩饰他的失望。
- He took a photograph of the child. 他给那孩子拍了一张照片。
- The mask fitted tightly over his face. 他用面具把脸蒙得严严的。
- Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 感光纸对光十分敏感。
- My little brother has a photographic memory. 我的小弟弟有着惊人的记忆力。
- They did so under the mask of charity. 他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。
- The photograph brings back many pleasant memories. 这张照片使人回想起许多愉快的往事。
- I snapped a nice photograph of her. 我给她拍了一张很好的快照。
- That photograph is not sharp enough. 那张照片不够清晰。
- I took a photograph of my girl friend. 我给女朋友拍了张照片。