- In detail, optical receiving system is mainly composed of optical focusing system, optical filters and PIN photodiodes. 其中,光学探测系统主要包括光学聚焦系统、多种滤光片及PIN光电二极管等;
- Emphasis has been placed on the optical receiving system, including APD receiver, receiver of the optical interface, Physical Layer protocols of fast Ethernet, fast Ethernet interface and control unit. 重点研究了大气激光通信光接收系统,包括基于雪崩光电二极管的光接收模块、光接口模块中的接收部分、快速以太网物理层协议标准、快速以太网接口电路与控制模块。
- The DWL system is composed of a transmission unit, a signal receiving unit, a signal acquiring unit and a processing control unit. 该激光雷达由激光发射单元、接收光学和后继光学单元、信号探测和采集单元以及系统运行控制单元组成,后继光路之间采用光纤导光、高低层分层探测等关键技术。
- The metal detector consists of transmitter unit and receiver unit. 该金属探测仪主要由发射机单元和接收机单元组成。
- Photo Optical Cable Controlled Submarine 光电电缆控制的潜水艇
- Afterward to this mouse's launch part, the receiving unit, the data processing part's design proposal has given the detailed explanation, and has drawn the hardware circuit part schematic diagram. 随后对该鼠标的发射部分、接收部分、数据处理部分的设计方案做了详细的说明,并画出了硬件电路部分的原理图。
- The A4 incorporates a flattop receiver unit developed for the M4 Carbine. M16A4结合M4卡宾枪开发的模块化“平顶”型机匣。
- OR707 series two-way optical receiver has frequency response circuit and detection circuit, ensure the maneuverability. OR707双向光接收机具有功能完善的频率响应调整电路和个端口电平检测电路,保证良好的可操作性。
- heterodyne optical receiving set 外差光接收机
- Then the TDA shall enter into independent agreements (funding agreements) with the government organs concerned or other receiving units (payees). 而后,TDA将与中方相关政府机构或接受单位(得款人)签署独立协议(资助协议),并据此为每项可行性研究和/或其它活动提供具体资助。
- A: When you first time plug the receiver unit into USB port, the O/S need to install the driver. A:当第一次将接收器插入USB插座中,作业系统需要安装驱动程式;
- Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo. 拍照时要让太阳留在你的身后。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- Many a time have we come across this same photo. 我们多次都见到过这同一张照片。
- frequency-shift duplex receiving unit 移频双工收信设备
- The receiver unit mainly consisted of the digital down converter, matched filter, differential demodulator and AFC module. 接收子系统包括下变频模块、匹配滤波器模块、差分解调模块、自动频率控制模块。 论文列出了部分模块的VHDL程序,还给出了各个模块的功能和时序仿真。
- He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. 在照相前,他调整了快门。
- A special-purpose optical transmitter, an optical receiver and a programmable logic device are used to design system circuit to realize asynchronous multiplexing fiber optic transmisson of multiway serial interface signal with different baud rate. 该系统采用可编程逻辑器件结合专用光电发送和光电接收器进行设计,实现了不同速率的多路串口信号复用的光纤传输。
- The M16A2, in turn, is currently being supplemented by the M16A4, which incorporates the flattop receiver unit developed for the M4 Carbine. M16A2如今反过来又被M16A4取代,后者采用了为M4卡宾枪开发的模块化“平顶”型机匣。
- The woman on the photo is my paternal grandmother. 照片上的这个妇人是我祖母。