- Be in change of handing out mails, phone operator, express mail service and so on. 完成邮件分发、电话转接、特快专递邮寄等工作。
- South Korea's largest mobile phone operator said Thursday that it will offer cell phone users a new noise service that it says will repel mosquitoes. 韩国最大的移动电话运营商7月10日表示他们将向手机用户提供一项全新的干扰音服务,他们称,这项服务是用来驱蚊的。
- South Korea's hugest mobile phone operator say Thursday those it will offer cell phone users a new noise service those it says will repel mosquitoes. 南韩最大的移动手机运作商7月10日表达她们将向手机用户帮助一项全新的干扰音效劳,她们称,这项效劳是用来驱蚊的。
- Mobile phone operator Orange said on Tuesday it had teamed up with GotWind, a firm specializing in renewable energy, to produce a recharger powered by dance energy alone. 移动电话运营商Orange于本周二表示,他们已与一家可再生能源公司GotWind合作,即将推出一款仅用舞动能源就能充电的充电器。
- If a mobile phone operator allowed people to pay for items in a store by using the phone and then tacked on a fee for this convenience it would probably be accepted as normal. 如果移动电话运营商答应人们在商店支付的项目使用电话,然后在这个收费上涨方便,它可能会被接受为正常。
- Luanda, Angola, 08 Dec ? UNITEL, the Angolan private mobile phone operator, which is part-owned by Portugal Telecom, has reached a total number of 1 million customers, the company said in Luanda Thursday. 安哥拉罗安达12月8日电-安哥拉私营手机运营商联合电信(Unitel)周四在此间称,其手机用户突破百万大关。
- Guests seated around a table that is lifted by a crane next to the golden domed Alexander Nevski cathedral during a promotion campaign of a local mobile phone operator in Sofia on September 18, 2008. 9月18日,保加利亚首都索非亚,游客们围在桌边享受“空中晚宴”,当地一家手机公司创办了这次活动,他们将顾客用起重机吊在空中,背景是亚历山大涅夫斯基大教堂。
- Phone mode Phone operational state; idle, establishing line, online data and online command. 电话模式:包括电话操作状态;空闲、建立连线、通话以及通话命令。
- The four-layer shielded cylinder WAS effective in blocking even strong local radio and TV signals, and cell phone operation. 但四层的屏蔽圆柱在阻止当地强大的广播和电视信号以及蜂窝电话时是有效的。
- Please note that some mobile phone operators may require you to subscribe to special services before you can receive any mobile phone text messages. 请注意,有些移动电话服务供应商要求用户注册使用某些特殊服务项目,这样才能收到移动电话短信。
- This service is free of charge but some mobile phone operators may require you to subscribe to special services before you can receive any mobile phone text messages. 本服务是免费的,但有些移动电话服务供应商会要求您登记特殊服务,以使您能获得移动电话短信递送服务。
- I think my phone is being tapped. 我想现在有人窃听我的电话。
- All you have to do is call on the house phone. 我只要做的就是拨个室内电话。
- I almost forget to pay the phone bill. 我几乎忘记电话费用。
- In order to realize this dream, she took up three part-time jobs including baby sitting, phone operating and Pizza Hut delivering.She even roller skated back home instead of taking metros. 为了实现这个梦想,她在业余时间打了三个工,做托儿员、接线员、匹萨饼递送员,每天地铁都不做,滑冰回家。
- He got hung up with a phone call as he was leaving. 他刚要动身就被一个电话给耽误了。
- He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone. 他的样子和他在电话中说话的声音反映的病情是一样的。
- I was reading a magazine when the phone rang. 电话铃响时我正在看一本杂志。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷静,打电话给消防署。