- Although some cell phone accessories are trends, most are very beneficial to the cell phone user. 虽然有些手机配件只是时尚性的东西,但大多数对手机用户是有帮助的。
- Caller specific action can be defined, e.g. only friends can get trough, but other callers will receive an SMS stating that the phone user is busy. 来段机器翻译:来电者特效药行动能被定义, 举例来说唯一的朋友能拿木钵,但是其他的来电者将会接受 SMS 说电话使用者很忙碌。
- The seed is visible to the environmentally aware mobile phone user but will not germinate until the phone cover or case is recycled. 这样那些有环保意识的手机用户就可以看到这粒种子。但是在手机废弃回收前种子是不会发芽的。
- T-MMB system can reduce cloth net cost and terminal cost substantially, be helpful for industrialization thereby, let mobile phone user be benefited. T-MMB系统能够大幅度降低布网本钱和终端本钱,从而有利于工业化,并让手机用户受益。
- This variant has a safe mode in the background process that gives the smart phone user a hard time to remove it by just following normal virus clearing procedure. 此变种在后台以安全模式运行,用户使用常规的病毒清除程序很难移除。
- "Dodgeball " roll out 2007, allow mobile phone user to use the means that sends and receive a short message to inquire his location position at any time. “躲避球”推出于2007年,允许手机用户利用收发短信的方式随时查询自己的所在位置。
- Once China Mobile discerns that its phone user is making calls from Chengdu, it sends a text message saying no roaming charges will be payable while the user is in Sichuan. 国家手机网络发现有人从成都打出电话,就会发短讯说,你在四川时的漫游费用将被减免。
- Perhaps a solar cell breakthrough will usher in the photovoltaic age, allowing both a steel plant and a cell phone user to derive all needed watts from a single source. 也许太阳能电池的突破,将带领人类社会走入光电时代,钢铁厂、行动电话使用者都可以从单一来源取得所需的能源功率。
- Rubbish short messages have made the mobile phone users complain incessantly. 垃圾短信使手机用户叫苦不迭。
- Most studies have focused on the RF exposures of mobile phone users. 大多数研究都聚焦在手机使用者的射频讯号暴露值上。
- China has 40 million cell phone users in a population of 1.4 billion,only a 3% market penetration. 中国14亿人口中有4000万移动电话用户,市场占有率只有3%25。
- Mobile e-business technology service provider integrate with all sectors of the resource, such as mobile carrier and bank, coordinate relationships, provide mobile phone user more mobile e-business. 移动电子商务技术服务提供商整合移动运营商和银行等各方面资源并协调各方面关系,给手机用户提供丰富的移动电子商务业务。
- Even an important function such as silencing the ringer is often beyond the expertise of average phone users. 即使是有些重要的功能,比如静音,也经常超出了普通使用者的能力。
- But a Danish study last year of 400,000 mobile phone users showed no increased cancer risk. 而丹麦在去年对40万手机用户所作的一项研究却表明手机不会增加得癌症的风险。
- Set up in1998, UNITEL, which now has two thirds of mobile phone users in Angola, began operating in April2001. 联合电信成立于1998年,2001年4月开始运营,目前拥有安哥拉三分之二的手机用户。
- What this meant was that mobile phone users could use SMS as a cheap means of keeping in touch. 这意味着手机用户之间可以通过价格便宜的短信息来保持联系。
- The Tatung VOIP, winner of the 2008 IF, IDEA, and Red Dot awards is one classy phone with aims to making internet phones user friendly. 这是一款荣获08年德国红点,IF,IDEA多个设计大奖的VOIP电话机。
- Even cell phone users get irritated at others who yak on their portables about their personal business in public. 一些人会在大庭广众之下,打着手机,没完没了地唠叨着个人事情。甚至手机用户也会被这种人激怒。
- Mobile Carriers'Channels Can Be Perfected by the Registration of Prepaid Mobile Phone Users? 移动运营商的自有销售渠道建设能借手机实名东风吗?
- In cell phone users who had subscribed oer 10 years, they found no link between cell phone use and brain tumor risk. 使用手机超过10年的,他们也没有发现使用手机与脑瘤相关。