- It is by transparent propylene varnish, phenolphthalein indicator is mixed catch pink alkalescent medium to mix make. 它是由透明丙烯清漆、酚酞指示剂和染成粉红色的碱性介质混合制成。
- phenolphthalein indicator 酚酞指示剂
- Acid calibration potassium hydroxide, to phenolphthalein as indicator. 二甲酸氢钾标定,以酚酞为指示剂。
- Examples are litmus and phenolphthalein. 例如石蕊和酚酞。
- Determination of acidity to phenolphthalein. 酸度的酚酞法测定。
- The Kastle-Meyer test is a forensic presumptive blood test, where the chemical indicator phenolphthalein is used. kastle-米勒测试是一个法医推定验血;而化学指标酚是突飞猛进.
- Timeliness of an indicator is also significant. 指标的及时性也不容忽略。
- Connect the heat indicator sending unit wire. 连接温度计发送单元线路。
- The direction indicator seems all right. 方向灯看上去没问题。
- So the mixed indicator of phenolphthalein with alizarin red-methyl red could be used as the new indicator for the alkalify water determination. 采用百里酚蓝-甲酚红、溴甲酚绿-甲基红混和指示剂的测试效果较差。
- Phenolphthalein diphosphate tetrasodium salt hydrate;CAS... 询价 酚酞二磷酸四钠水合物;
- Mentality as a pass type indicator. 心态作为传球方式指示器。
- Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution. 石蕊试纸可用以测试溶液是否含酸。
- Any of the modern Indic languages. 任一种现代印度语
- The principal Indic language of Maharashtra. 马拉地语马哈拉施特拉邦使用的一种主要印度语言
- The Indic language of the Assamese. 阿萨姆语印度语支的阿萨姆语
- The Indic language of the Bihari. 比哈尔语比哈尔人讲的印度语
- Thus urine FDP might be indic... 后者取样方便,有利于动态观察。
- An Indic language spoken in the Punjab. 旁遮普地区使用的印度语
- Having an indicator that stops without oscillation. 指针不摆的停止时没有震动的指示器的