- phase locked communication 锁相通讯
- Phase locked loop (PLL) has been widely used in communication system. 锁相环路在通信系统中得到了广泛的应用。
- One example is the phase comparator of a phase locked loop. 一个例子是相锁环状态下的相位比较器。
- In this paper,the upper side audio frequency modem used in the power line carrier-current communication is discussed,the bit phase locked circuit and its principle are also introduced. 介绍了应用于电力线载波通信的上音频段调制解调器,并详细说明了位锁相电路及工作原理。
- Resolution of Systematic Design Trouble with PLD Interior Phase Lock Loop. 使用PLD内部锁相环解决系统设计难题。
- The phase jitter of output signal of the PLL( phase locked loop) frequency doubler is analyzed. 定量分析了数字式锁相倍频器输出信号的相位抖动.
- A phase locked wavelength drive prevents peak shifts and peak suppression at high scan speeds. 相位锁定波长驱动技术可以防止仪器在快速扫描时吸收峰的偏移。
- Phase locked loops (PLL) are electronic systems widely used in different fields of applications. 锁相回路(PLL)做为一种电子系统广泛的用于不同的应用领域。
- TMS320F240 DSP is used to realize the digital Phase Locked Loop(PLL) and real-ize the hot-swap function of the parallel system. 采用TMS320F240型DSP芯片实现数字锁相同步,实现并联系统的热插拔功能。
- This paper discusses a method to demodulate FSK signal, on the basis of FPGA chip, by applying all- digital phase locked loop. 本文研究了一种采用全数字锁相环实现频移键控FSK信号解调的新方案。
- The basic principle of using phase locked loop technique to realize the design and analysis of program controlled frequency syntheses was introduced. 本文简要地叙述了应用锁相环路实现信号合成的基本原理。
- Both incorporation exterior VCO and loop filter could rattling realize celerity Phase Lock function. 结合外部VCO和环路滤波器可以很好的实现快速锁相功能。
- Abstract:The Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Circuits are widely used in electronic systems especially in receivers. 锁相环路是在现代各种电子系统中,特别是在接收机中应用广泛的一种基本电路。
- Results show that the phase locking steps occur in the IV-curves. 结果表明,在直流伏安特性曲线上出现了相锁定台阶。
- The coupling visibilities(CV) of temperature sensor heads were measured with phase lock loop technique. 采用锁相环技术测试了各传感器的分光可见度随温度的变化关系。
- In this paper the working princi-ple and desiging method of which phase locked loop are discussed the experimental resuIts are given also. 本文分析了无相差锁相环的原理和设计方法,并给出了实验结果。
- This paper presents a digital phase lock technique for UPS inverter output control to meet the trend of UPS digital control. 针对不间断电源(UninterruptedPowerSupply,UPS)控制的数字化趋势,提出了一种应用于数字化UPS的逆变锁相控制技术。
- The transmitter uses a phase locked loop to provide multi-phase clocks for PRBS circuit and 4-to-1 multiplexer to convert parallel data into serial one. 在传输端利用锁相迴路提供多相位时脉输出给乱数产生器和4对1多工器,并将一组并列资料转换为串列输出,再经传输器使输出的资料振幅放大,最后将资料传输至耦合的电极板上。